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A Retrospect of Cross-Strait Integrative Relationship and Its Prospect:A Dialectical Functionalist Perspective
作者 宋興洲李玫憲
兩岸關係雖然時有衝突情事阻礙雙邊合作關係進展,但在一段時間的停滯、甚至倒退後,總能再造新一波更高層次的合作與交流,並向兩岸統合向前跨出一大步。此一「正、反、合」的辯證性,愈發引起兩岸關係學者的嚴正關注,並嘗詴以此思考突破兩岸關係發展現況的可能性。進而言之,若以辯證功能主義(dialectical functionalism)觀察 1949 年以來的兩岸關係發展,則兩岸關係發展脈絡多大程度符合該理論之命題?而對照近期服貿爭議以來兩岸關係的停滯現象,是否正意謂著新一波統合契機正在蘊釀而生?本文首先將從國際關係功能主義演進切入,釐清辯證功能主義的基本主張與分析重點;其次,回顧兩岸分治迄今的政經發展脈絡,並從辯證功能主義的視角,解釋兩岸統合的進展、停滯與突破;最後以近期兩岸服貿爭議為探討個案,分析該事件之正、負面影響。
In terms of Cross-Strait Relationship, some conflict situations had hampered bilateral cooperative relations and this ''stop'', even backward, phase may last for a while, yet another ''go'' phase will emerge and promote a new wave of cooperation and exchange. These ''thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis'' dialectical features have raised academic concerns and incurred the debates about the applicability of this prototype. Furthermore, if we look back the Cross-Strait relation since 1949, how can we be sure that the evolutionary path has followed the prediction of dialectical functionalism? The controversies of Cross-Strait Trade Service Agreement resulted in the stagnation of bilateral relations development. Would this situation stimulate an opportunity for a new wave of cooperation between two sides? This paper first focuses on the theory of dialectical functionalism, and tries to clarify its main arguments and the analytical concepts; then analyzes the controversies of Trade Service Agreement and the possible impacts on the bilateral relations between Taiwan and Mainland China. Whether or not this situation would be inclined to positive developments remains to be seen.
起訖頁 35-57
關鍵詞 辯論功能主義兩岸統合制度性協商兩岸服務貿易協定太陽花學運Dialectical FunctionalismCross-Strait Integrative RelationshipInstitutional NegotiationCross-Strait Trade and Service AgreementSunflower Student Movement
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201510 (52期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 難民問題對歐洲整合的影響
該期刊-下一篇 國際安全研究中的區域主義:理論與發展簡介與評估




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