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Media and Public Opinion in China's Reform Era
作者 Tilak Jha
The study looks into decentralisation of media's political control among regional and local stakeholders, and economic control amid the market and the government. It posits that the Chinese media has subtly, often unconsciously, even while obeying the Chinese censors, exposed people to a variety of opinion. While what comes out in the media yet goes under the scanner of the party's media control at various stages, the party though rarely restrains itself from curbing anything distantly related to its legitimacy, it has become more reluctant than ever to force itself upon a society that is fast changing its constitution and character, even asserting as evident in the many protests across China. It argues that Party's rising concern to account for public opinion has of late had direct impact on many a domestic policy matters. Nevertheless, the paradox is hard to miss amid a whole lot of seemingly conflicting media goals – the latest one being the challenge to contain Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution.
起訖頁 39-52
關鍵詞 中國媒體與官僚化組織與宣傳公共領域公共意見中國改革時期Bureaucratization and Media in ChinaOrganization and PropagandaPublic SpherePublic OpinionReform Era China
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201504 (特集2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 印中關係的「競合」動力:政治敵對vs.經濟交往
該期刊-下一篇 印度的中國移民:1962年邊界戰爭之影響與認同問題




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