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Taiwan: A Key to China's Peaceful Rise
作者 高少凡
The rise of China has a significant impact on the study of International Relations, in the traditional realist concepts of ''anarchy,'' ''power struggle,'' and ''balance of power'' would no longer serve as the central premises for the understanding of international system in general, and as description and explanation for the international behavior of the rising China in particular. This study attempts to, along with the aforementioned three concepts, integrate the other three concepts, to wit, ''hierarchy,'' ''intention,'' and ''bandwagoning'' as additional premises in contemporary IR theory, and thus to provide a more comprehensive framework for the understanding of the rising China in East Asian international societies. This paper asserts that power transition per se may not be a necessary cause of the war; rather, a war is likely only when the rising power has the intention to overturn the status quo. To be sure, the rising China has neither the intention, nor the hurry, for the time- being, to change the status quo of contemporary international system. However, this paper argues that the challenge for a rising China does not come from the pressure and/or frustration that she has encountered abroad, but from a possible domestic social unrest and national sentiments. Accordingly, Taiwan's assertion, among others, may served as a flashpoint to ignite a strong Chinese nationalism, and that would inevitably be a real challenge to, and serve as a key to China's continued peaceful rise in the future.
起訖頁 77-104
關鍵詞 中國崛起台灣民族主義無政府狀態階層制China RiseTaiwanNationalismAnarchyHierarchy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201007 (31期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟預算結構及其預算改革芻議
該期刊-下一篇 主權理論與當前台灣外交戰略




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