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The Correlation Between Taiwan Teenagers' Behavior of Watching Variety Shows and their Moral Judgment
作者 方鳳琪陳燕秋徐偉倫
在過去這段時間當中,關於綜藝節目對青少年的負面影響,已引起社會各界廣泛的討論。在青少年的收視的各類型電視節目類型之中,綜藝節目類已遠超過戲劇類與新聞類,成為青少年的最愛;但於此同時,社會中的衛道人士、學者菁英也不斷對於充斥著「煽色腥」內容的綜藝節目加以撻伐。因此,青少年在以綜藝節目為主要之休閒娛樂消遣時,所遭受的,卻是低級、俗媚、偏離主流社會價值的呈現與灌輸。在此,不免慮及在這樣的傳播環境之下,對於閱聽人會產生怎樣的效果。本研究便以實證的方法,研究青少年觀看電視綜藝節目的行為對於其道德判斷程度的影響。本研究試圖由「電視涵化理論」與「社會學習理論」,來探究青少年道德價值學習與判斷的過程,再以Kohlberg 關於道德判斷發展的觀點,採用量化的問卷設計,找出青少年觀看電視綜藝節目的行為與其道德判斷程度之間的關連。發現的結果有如下幾點:1.青少年收視電視綜藝節目時數愈長者,其道德判斷能力愈低。2.青少年喜歡電視綜藝節目中整人單元者,其道德判斷能力較低。3.青少年喜歡電視綜藝節目中資訊單元者,其道德判斷能力較高。4.青少年認同電視綜藝節目的程度愈高者,則同儕之間的模仿討論程度也愈高。5.國一學生比高一學生,有較長的收看電視綜藝節目時間。6.高一學生比國一學生,有較高的道德成熟分數。
In the current years, the negative affection on teenagers brought by the variety shows has been hotly discussed. Among so many kinds of TV shows, the variety shows are exactly to teenagers' taste. However, authorities and moralists start to criticize this kind of variety shows which contain so many dirty thoughts. When teenagers see the variety shows as the main way to relax themselves, they suffer and receive the value which is low-class and flattering to the public and is diverging from the main stream ones. Under this kind of situation, we are curious about how deeply will the audience been influenced through the mass media. In this research, we will discuss the relationship between teenagers' moral judgment ability and their habit of watching variety shows by means of showing and organizing evidence. In this research, 'Television Cultivation Theory' and 'SocialLearning Theory' are used to investigate teenagers' moral learning and judgment process, and with Kohlberg's viewpoint, we try to find out the relationship between teenagers' moral judgment ability and their habit of watching variety shows through designing questionnaires. Our findings are listed as follows: 1. The longer the teenagers watch variety shows, the lower their moral judgment ability. 2. Teenagers' moral judgment ability will be lower if they love the unit in the variety show which is meant to give somebody a hard time. 3. Teenagers' moral judgment ability will be higher if they are interested in the information unit in the variety show. 4. The more the teenagers identify with the variety show, the more they will discuss with their friends and start to imitate. 5. Junior high school students have more time to watch variety shows than senior high school students do. 6. Senior high school students surpass junior high school students in moral mature grade.
起訖頁 59-97
關鍵詞 台灣青少年綜藝節目道德判斷Taiwan teenagersVariety showsMoral judgment
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200207 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 網路化專案管理在電視製作應用之可行性研究
該期刊-下一篇 電視犯罪新聞、性別與被害恐懼感之關聯性研究




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