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Government's Policies and the Digitalization of Cable Television Systems in Taiwan
作者 李秀珠 (Shiow-Ju Lee)陳忠勝
無線電視乃使用國家稀有之頻譜,其數位化推動過程,其他先進國家之作法乃是由國家來加以主導,而目前台灣的無線電視數位化時程,交通部已明確制訂,而且預計於2006 年收回類比頻道,而五家無線電視台亦已開始進行數位化之轉換。然而,對於有線電視數位化之問題,先進國家之作法乃是交由產業界自行進行,國家不以法規政策強行主導,除非有線電視數位化將影響無線電視數位化之時程,那麼就此部分會加以規定,使無線電視數位化能順利轉換。目前世界上數位化進度最快的兩個國家分別是美國及英國,美國是世界上最早進行電視數位化之國家,而英國則是後來居上,為世界上電視數位化進行最為順利與成功之國家(李秀珠、趙子宏,2001;電視學會,2001)。這兩個國家皆已制訂頗為明確而具體的電視數位化政策,本研究將分析這兩個國家之電視數位化政策,尤其有關於有線電視數位化之政策部分,並加上專家學者及有線電視業者之訪談,來探討台灣有線電視數位化過程中法規政策應扮演之角色。
Digitalization is a trend for the future television. At the present time, many developed countries have set up specific schedules for the digitalization of terrestrial television, so does Taiwan. More than 80% of Taiwan's people subscribe to cable television, so terrestrial television has to depend very much on cable television for a smooth transition of its digitalization. This study examined the relationship between the digitalization of terrestrial television and that of cable television systems, and attempted to identify a direction for government’s policies to go. Three research methods were adopted; the first was to analyze the policies by the US and by the UK, the second conduct 20 intensive interviews on cable TV system operators, and the third interview 12 experts of related fields. The data analysis shows that digital technology imposes a great deal of uncertainty on cable TV system operators that will make the adoption process of this technology very slow. More detailed findings of the study were discussed in the paper.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 電視數位化有線電視數位化數位化政策Digitalization of televisionDigitalization of cable televisionPolicy of television digitalization
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200201 (18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 多頻道環境下的電視節目多樣性分析:以台灣無線電視台與有線電視綜合頻道為例之比較分析




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