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Looking For Audiences: Inquiry into the Internet Audiences Research Methods and Related Questions
作者 高玉芳
隨著時代背景的轉變與傳播科技的進步,閱聽人調查研究發展出 各種的質化與量化的調查方法,以因應不同研究的需求。根據許多的研究報告顯示:網路使用人口的持續增加,電子商務與網路廣告的大幅成長,網際網路已經成為另一個重要的傳播管道與行銷通路。有鑑於網路兼具媒體,行銷與線上交易的功能,網路閱聽人的角色相形重要。究竟目前在網際網路上如何調查閱聽人?閱聽人的資料如何被使用?會不會侵犯個人隱私權?由於網際網路無遠弗屆與匿名的特質,使得網站上閱聽人的身份錯綜複雜難以辨認。但是,這個新媒體的出現,也使得閱聽人的調查又多了一些新的辨識方法。本研究試圖先探討傳統閱聽人質化、量化的調查研究方法,再進一步分析文獻,與業界進行深度訪談,將目前網際網路上閱聽人的調查方法歸為七類,分別就各種方法的適用性與優缺點逐一分析,並對其相關問題提出探討,期望能對後續研究者提供一些新的參考方向與建議。
With changing in time and mass communication technology advancements, various qualitative and quantitative research methods have been developed by audience research, in response to different needs. Based on many research reports, which indicates: The steady increase of Internet users, e-commerce and Internet advertisement, the Internet has becomes another important communication channel and sales method. Because Internet possesses the ability to conduct online trading, sales and mass media, the role of Internet audience has become very important. At the moment, how do we actually conduct research on Internet audience? How do we use the collected Internet audience information? Will we infringe on personal privacy? Because of Internet has no distance limitation and the ability to use fake identities, which will cause difficulty to verify each audience's true identity. But, with the availability of Internet, it also provides additional methods for audience research. This paper attempts to follow the traditional audience's qualitative and quantitative research methods, and to further analyze literatures and conduct in-depth interviews. Based on the current internet audience research methods, we have divide it into seven categories, and analyze each individual method's positive/negative points and its applicability, also, to probe the related questions, and hope to provide some new directions and suggestions for the future researchers.
起訖頁 139-184
關鍵詞 網際網路閱聽人網站流量網路廣告隱私權第三者稽核InternetAudienceWeb site trafficWeb adPrivacyTraffic auditing
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200009 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 商機的無限或文化的多元?──網際網路的政經結構、與社會文化現象




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