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The Ways to Improve Television News Quality-- A Study of Television News Reporting Pornography, Violence and Sensationalism
作者 蔡念中
由於傳播生態丕變,競爭劇烈,電視新聞已成為各家電視台爭取 業務績效的戰場。為了爭取收視率,電視新聞中充滿了羶色腥的內容,滿足觀眾的感官刺激,卻失去了品質。本研究旨在探討電視新聞亂象的形成原因與調查民眾的收視意見,並從閱聽人及媒體社會責任的角度探討如何面對此一惡質化的環境,進而尋求改善的方案。本研究所使用的研究方法包括:文獻分析、焦點團體研討、電話問卷調查與專家深度訪談法。研究結論指出,媒體自律、閱聽人監督與適當的法律規範是改善電視新聞亂象的必要方法。
Due to competition of media industry, television news has become a battlefield for those television stations that attempt to earn profit. In order to promote rating, there are a lot of TV news content reporting pornography, violence, and sensationalism. Though TV audience is attracted by those content, the quality of TV news is hurt. This study explores the phenomena of TV news reporting pronograph, violence and sensationalism. The study is trying to find solutions to improve the situation. The following research methods such as focus group discussion, telephone survey, review of literature and in-depth interview with professionals were employed in this study. The conclusion of this research indicates that to improve television news quality needs audience monitoring. In addition, all television news workers must follow ethical codes and must have professional attitudes.
起訖頁 167-187
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199911 (14期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 用欣賞指數量度電視節目品質──香港的經驗




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