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Loyal Audiences in the New Multi-Channel Electronic Media Environment-- The New Scheme of Peoplemeter Measurement and Repeat Viewing Rates
作者 王婷玉
自從民國82年立法院通過有線電視法以來,台灣有線電視業者紛紛依法完成登記,收視訂戶數同時急速成長(賴丕遠,中時晚報,民國82.9.30)。在台灣有線電視普及率已從83年四成多(不及美國的62%)提高到超越美國,而達到目前約80%左右(劉幼琍,民83;聯亞收視率調查公司電視媒體報告,民86)。據歐美學者研究發現(Webster & Phalen, 1997),有線電視、錄放影機以及收視率調查的新技術「個人收視記錄器調查法」(peoplemeter)愈來愈普及,重複收視無線電視節目之水準則隨之下降。所謂「重複收視」乃指「觀眾隔天或隔週繼續觀看同一節目之頻繁程度」。此現象乃為閱聽人涉入感與忠誠度之指標之一。為了區分衛星有線電視等科技應用之長足發展、「窄播」有線(衛星)VS.「廣播」的無線或有線(衛星)電視之頻道特性、以及新測量科技各自對重複收視率帶來的衝擊,本論文首先整理比較在英美以不同測量技術得到1971~88年期間的重複收視率;其次,把重複收視率此累積性暴露指標之一,放回「大眾閱聽人行為模式」來檢視,以釐清此指標如何受到結構與個人因素之影響;接著,經由綜合整理相關文獻,擴展「大眾閱聽人行為模式」,歸納出「決定重複收視之因素整合模式」;最後,比較四種收視率測量技術之應用程序、問題、以及所得資料特性,並綜觀前面整合而得的決定因素模式,來設計用以研究分析多頻道電子媒體環境裡閱聽人的忠誠度之架構。
The level of cable penetration in Taiwan has increased rapidly to around 80% in 1998 from over 40% in 1994. The levels of repeat viewing wireless television programs fall, according to European and the U. S. research findings, as the availability of cable television, VCRs, and the nationwide scheme of peoplemeter measurement increases. As an indicator of audience involvement and loyalty, repeat viewing refers to the extent to which people return to watch a program over a period of days or weeks. The study aims to distinguish the impact of the new measurement scheme on repeat-viewing levels from those of 'narrowcast' vs. 'broadcast' cable channels, satellite and cable television new technologies. First, in a literature review of the British and U. S. studies, this study compares repeat viewing rates obtained from the ratings data collected by different measurement schemes. Secondly, repeat viewing rate, one of the accumulative exposure indexes, is examined by way of placing it within a model of mass audience behavior so as to clarify how structural and individual factors affect this index. Next, this study arrives at an integrated model of repeat- viewing determinants by expanding the model of mass audience behavior. The expansion of the model of mass audience behavior results from sorting out relevant research literatures. Finally, from taking into account the comparison of four ratings measurement schemes and the integrated model of repeat-viewing determinants, emerges a framework for researching into the degree of audience loyalty in a multi-channel electronic media environment.
起訖頁 23-40
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199901 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 傳統廣播電台進入網際網路廣播的外溢效果與挑戰──以台灣廣播電台發展網際網路廣播為例
該期刊-下一篇 有線電視新聞頻道觀眾接收分析




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