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The Challenge of 1996 Telecommunication Act-- Public Interest
作者 邱蜀英
美國於1996年通過了電訊傳播法,使得傳播進入了新紀元。這部 新法是1934年訂定的傳播法之大翻修;它的主要目標是「減少規範,促進競爭」以求最大的公共利益。電訊法涵蓋非常廣:廣播、電視、線纜服務、衛星傳播、網際網路。「規範」與「減少規範」是它的任務。在達成此任務的過程中,將力求社會公平和創新,以符合新時代人們的需求。本文試從「投資競爭」、「系統之控制」和「普及的服務」等面向去分析探討,如何才能增進「公共利益」。這是電訊法的戰,也是一艱鉅的工程,有待集合各界的智慧與力量,並假以時日,充分破解電訊時代的各種科技與法律的難題,為人類設計出促進言論自由,提昇娛樂水準和更新、便利的生活方式。
With the passage of the 1996 Telecommunication Act, Communications entered into a new era. It is an overhaul of the Communications Act of 1934. Its prime target is gaining higher public interest through the means of deregulation and competition. 1996 Telecommunication Act encompasses wide range of services: broadcast, television, cable, satellite, and internet. In the process of regulation and deregulation, the Act is trying to reach the goal of social justice and meeting peoples' need with creativity. This article tried to discuss the ways and means to increase 'investment and competition', 'the control of platform', as well as 'Universal service.' The challenge to the 1996 Telecommunication Act is a magnificent task. It needs to amass wisdom and devotion from every field for fully tackling the technological and legal problems in the new world in quest of increasing the freedom of speech, hiking the standard of recreation and renovating the life style of the coming new age.
起訖頁 161-178
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199807 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 市場競爭對台灣無線電視之影響:從節目區位談起




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