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The Impacts of Bypassing Activities on Telecommunications Regulatory Regime and Market Structure in Taiwan
作者 楊忠川
電訊市場的競爭已經以各種不同的形式出現,隨著不同電訊網路 彼此之間的整合與競爭,傳統的電腦、電信與廣播科技之間的界線,已經逐漸地模糊。正因如此,相同的傳播內容可以利用不同的傳播管道來傳送給電訊用戶,這種電訊傳播媒體「整合」(convergence)的大趨勢,對台灣的有線電視、無線廣播業者及電信業者影響,勢必十分深遠。隨著電訊傳播媒體整合的趨勢與電信自由化逐步的達成,開放與自由競爭的電訊服務市場即將來臨。有鑒於此,各國都將確保市場機制的順利運作列為電信市場自由化規劃之重要目標。然而,多重電訊網路所引起的「規避活動」,將使此一目標無法實現。因此,在電訊傳播管制的設計上,預先防範「規避活動」所引發的負面影響,便成為各國因應新電訊傳播科技挑戰時的重要目標。本論文之目的在於討論多重電訊網路下的「規避活動」(bypassing activities)及其所引發的相關電訊傳播政策問題。本研究旨在探討下列問題:一、電訊傳播科技整合的特質、現況與未來潮流為何?二、電訊傳播媒體整合後,對經營不同電訊網路業者的影響。三、「規避活動」對現有之電訊業者,將產生何種影響?政府應在法規政策及管制機構上,做何種因應時勢的調整,以規範彼此之間的公平競爭行為。本研究採取文獻蒐集與分析法,就電訊傳播媒體整合之後,所產 生的「規避活動」對公共電信網路及電訊業者的影響衝擊,加以深入探討。此外,並對我國電訊傳播政策該如何因應,以及未來政策制定方向提出建議。
Competition in telecommunications marketplace has emerged with various forms. As different telecommunications networks converge to form a seamless communication network, the same communication contents can be delivered through a variety of conduits. This convergence trend will have tremendous impacts on telecommunications regulatory regime in Taiwan. The characteristics of Taiwan's telecommunications networks will need to be adjusted accordingly in order to encourage further developments in the communication infrastructure. This research focuses on an important, but rarely explored, issue that can contribute to a healthy telecommunications marketplace in Taiwan. The purposes of this research are aimed to investigate 1) the impacts of the convergence of telecommunications media and accompanying bypassing activities on a liberalized telecommunications marketplace in Taiwan; 2) redefinition of 'bypassing' in a gradually converging telecommunication landscape; 3) design and implementation of technology-neutral and pro-competitive mechanisms to regulate bypassing behavior of telecommunications service providers. The advent of bypassing activities on future telecommunications marketplace is likely to challenge how previous regulatory regime will operate. As regulation is intended to ensure fair market competition, bypassing activities, without properly regulated, are likely to affect not only telecommunications service providers, but also ordinary users of telecommunications services. This research will contribute to the understanding of bypassing activities in the age of telecommunications media convergence.
起訖頁 89-111
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199801 (11期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 美國有線電視與電信事業跨業經營管制歷程之研究




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