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An Analysis of the FCC's Minority Preference Policies
作者 劉幼琍
美國早在六○年代就有研究報告指出,廣電媒體對少數族群的呈現,不但充滿歧視,而且報導數量又少。聯邦傳播委員會(FCC)為了要增加節目的多元性及與少數族群相關的節目,於1978年公佈了三項優惠少數族群的主要措施,如「比較聽證優惠」(comparative hearing preference)、「折價出售」(distress sale)及「延遲付稅證明」(taxcertificate)。然而這些優惠政策是否符合憲法第十四修正案的「平等保障原則」?1989年,華盛頓上訴法院在Shurberg案判「折價出售」違憲,但卻在Winter Park案中判「比較聽證優惠」合憲。一年之後,比較聽證會和折價出售兩項優惠政策同時被最高法院在Metro Broadcasting的案子中確定合憲。不料1995年,最高法院在Adarand案卻又認為FCC對少數族群的優惠政策達憲。本文旨在探討FCC對少數族群的優惠政策及美國最高法院對該政策的解釋。鑑於美國對少數族群的優惠措施,我國政府相關單位在面對特定族群(如客家與原住民)時,或許有可資借鏡之處。
In 1960s, the Kerner report said that minorities were portrayed unfairly and underrepresented in broadcasting. In order to increase diverse and particularly minority- oriented programming, the FCC has developed several minority preference policies such as comparative hearing preference, distress sale, and tax certificates. The FCC defended its racial-conscious measures by saying that there is a nexus between minority ownership and programming diversity. It believes that granting minorities preference in broadcasting will not only help minorities but also serve the public interest. Are the FCC's minority preference policies constitutionally permissible? In 1989, the Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit ruled the constitutionality of the policies differently in Shurberg and Winter Park. One year later, both comparative hearing preference and distress sale policies were upheld by the Supreme Court in Metro Broadcasting. However, they were overruled by the Supreme Court in Adarand Constructors in 1995. This paper discusses the rationale, the development, and the courts' interpretation of the FCC's minority preference policies. It concludes by recommending some possible solutions to match the changing society as time goes on.
起訖頁 25-44
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199702 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 多元文化主義與我國廣播政策──以台灣原住民與客家族群為例
該期刊-下一篇 青少年對電視益智節目的回饋:一個次文化的觀察




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