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Chinese Television in Mao's Era (1958~1976)── A Historical Survey
作者 黃煜 (Yu Huang)
Although quite a number of research have been done on the development and reform of post-Mao Chinese television in the last decade, very few, if not any, have ever published on the origins and early evolution of Chinese television both in China and the West.[l] In this paper, I have set out to examine systematically the historical development of Chinese television prior to Deng Xiaoping's era (1958~1976), and to provide a comprehensive analysis and descriptive account of important events in the contexts of Chinese society. I have focused on its establishment, policy evolution, the change of programming content, the structure of its political/ideological control, and its operational models. As a result of this examination, I have tried to make two particular contributions to the field of the history of Chinese television studies: 1) Assessing the origins of Chinese television and its performance in Mao's era with particular reference to primary materials and original sources; 2) Producing the argument, based on the above study, that Chinese television was a political creation; that, although media development in communist China (with reference to television) was broadly in line with that of the Soviet Union, the Chinese case presents a unique experience with typically Maoist characteristics in pursuit of its radical ideological goal.
起訖頁 143-170
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199601 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 廣播業與電訊業融合下的政策問題:以電話視訊為例




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