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The Future Applications of ROCSAT-2 in Communication
作者 林麗雪
鑑於通訊衛星在傳播上的應用層面既深且廣,本研究除探討「中華衛星二號」通訊衛星在未來傳播上的應用之外,亦將針對通訊衛星在廣播電視上最直接的應用一直接廣播衛星作一歷史性的探討,同時將對美、日、中的直播衛星作一相對性之比較,亦檢視台灣有線電視的歷史及未來之發展,以及未來衛星接收新聞的革新。「中華衛星二號」通訊衛星在未來傳播上的運用,可就四方面分別加以闡述:1.固定衛星服務(Fixed Satellite Service, FSS);2.直接廣播服務(Direct Broadcast Service, DBS);3.行動衛星服務(Mobile Satellite Service, MSS);4.資訊高速公路(Information Superhighways)。其中在廣播電視上最為直接的運用為直接廣播服務,可帶動高畫質電視(HDTV)以及視訊電傳會議(video teleconferencing)的產生。
The applications of the communication satellite are diversified and of great importance to the growing needs of the communication field in Taiwan. In this paper, the researcher will examine the future applications of ROC communication satellite-- ROCSAT-2, as well as investigate the historical reviews of the direct broadcast satellites worldwide. The author makes comparisons of the direct broadcast service among the satellites developed by the countries of the United States, Japan, and Mainland China. In addition, the histories of Taiwan cable TV as well as his future development are exploited. Moreover, the revolutions of the satellite news gathering (SNG) are also discussed. The future applications of ROCSAT-2 in communication can be specified in four categories as follows: 1) Fixed Satellite Service, FSS; 2) Direct Broadcast Service, DBS; 3) Mobil Satellite Service, MSS; and 4) Information Superhighways. The most direct application of television broadcasting is the Direct Broadcast Service, which brings about the development of the video-conference and the High Definition Television (HDTV) in Taiwan. It is anticipated that in the nearest future, the News Bureau will develop the multi-media vedio communication. The Ministry of Education will develop the educational TV programs and educational instructions on the air. The entertainment industries will have a new spectrum of applications such as digital audio-vedio broadcasting and high definition television (HDTV). Government agencies will find increasing novel applications of vedio- teleconference and very small aperture terminal (VSAT).
起訖頁 137-149
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199507 (6期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 走出菁英呵護的搖籃?──德國廣電法制在政治與經濟雙重衝擊下的「二元化」發展




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