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The Concept of Aesthetics & Creativity in Camera Work
作者 謝章富
電視是一種連續畫面組合的動態表現,同時是組合畫面與聲音所呈現的立體傳播,由於其明顯的實用性,而往往侷限了它創意表現的的空間,事實上就畫面呈現的效果及攝影師自我立場,它應具有獨特的發揮空間,本文的立論即針對這個觀念陳述兩個重點:一是電視攝影美學概念;一是創意的攝影觀。求真、求善、求美是攝影美學的根本,電視節目應兼顧內容和 表現方式兩個層次,而就美學觀點,不論說什麼或怎麼說都是人群生活的現實或意象,因此不論就其客觀性或主觀性都應以正確和導善為依歸。攝影工作人員雖多聽令於導播,但對畫面效果的控制卻有較大的自主性,也就是說在導播的要求下,攝影師仍可依他自我意念取出最佳畫面,而當攝影人員有較自在的發揮空間時,他更應該拍出個人的獨特風格。
Television is not only one kind of pictures' combination continuously expressed in the way of its activeness, but also the unity of visual and audio communication. However, due to the consideration of its apparent utility, television workers often confine the space of creativeness. Based on the visual effect and camera workers' point of view, camera workers can keep their own characteristics to expand their imagination and creativity. The spirit of this article is to state these two important ideas. One is the concept of telerision aesthetics, and the other is the creativity of camera work. Pursuing truth, amity and beauty are the essences of photographing process. Television programs should include the discussion of the content and their expressive styles aspects. From the aesthetic viewpoint, what and how to say are all the coverages of reality or images; therefore, the expression of visual and audio objectiveness or subjectireness should contribute to enhance human life. Even though the camera workers should not neglect their directors, they still can keep great space in their own expressive way as well as the effect controls. In other words, besides the advice from directors, camera workers keep the flexbility, and shoot the best ones to their programs. Meanwhile, when they are more free to work and express their ideas on pictures, they get more responsibilities to create their own styles.
起訖頁 137-146
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199312 (3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 電視節目廣告化問題初探




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