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衛生局聯合分工檢驗體系歷年執行成果研析   全文下載 全文下載
Assessment of Integrated Laboratory Testing System in Local Health Bureaus
作者 陳緯綾張維芬邱雅琦羅維新呂在綸遲蘭慧李明鑫
為落實食品衛生安全之檢驗業務地方化,食品藥物管理署藉由補助計畫之辦理,強化縣市政府衛生局之檢驗資源,歷年累計補助購置1,000項以上之儀器或設備,並協助各局聘用100人次以上之檢驗人力。為使檢驗資源可發揮其最大效益,透過建置衛生局「聯合分工檢驗體系」,整合各局之檢驗資源,分工合作彼此協助,以建置過去無法檢驗之禽畜產品中農藥殘留、輻射殘留、食品中毒原因菌及食品摻假等項目,使「食品衛生檢驗中央地方分工項目表」中,地方可自行檢驗比率達90%以上,提升檢驗量能。為確保檢驗品質,推動各局檢驗室參與各項能力試驗,並輔導其專責及自行檢驗項目通過食藥署檢驗機構認證,至108年止,全國22縣市衛生局共計已有1,090品項通過認證。另藉由雲端版之「實驗室資訊管理系統(Laboratory Information Management System, LIMS)」,協助各局進行檢驗業務資訊雲端電子化管理,並配合管考措施,持續提升檢驗效能。
In order to enhance the testing capacity of the localized food testing, Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) has conducted subsidizing plans for laboratories of Department of Health in local government since 2010. Those subsidies enabled the purchase of over 1,000 sets of instrument and equipment, as well as the employment of more than 100 additionally testing technicians. Furthermore, to facilitate the integration of testing resource and co-ordination between local government, the ''Regional Integrated Laboratory Testing System'' has been constructed to inspect pesticide residue, radiation residue, bacteria that cause food poisoning, and food adulteration on poultry and livestock products, which could not be inspected in the past. The local government could self-test up to 90% items of the ''CentralLocal Division of Food Hygiene Testing List'' due to the increased and improved on testing resources. In addition, to strengthen testing quality of local health laboratories, TFDA conducted the proficiency tests for the laboratory of health bureaus, and promoted the qualified laboratory accreditation on specific test items. Till 2019, a toal of 1,090 test items for laboratory accreditation were certified by TFDA in 22 health bureaus. Moreover, the testing efficiency was intensified because of the improved electronic information on web interface via ''Laboratory Information Management System.''
起訖頁 373-382
關鍵詞 聯合分工檢驗體系實驗室認證檢驗資訊雲端電子化integrated laboratory testing systemlaboratory accreditationelectronic testing information
刊名 食品藥物研究年報  
期數 202012 (11期)
出版單位 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
該期刊-上一篇 105-108年度第二級品管驗證執行成果與常見缺失分析
該期刊-下一篇 邊境查驗程序對疫情的因應措施──以文件之補交或以電子傳輸取代交付正本之可行性為例




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