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Correlation between National Digital Competitiveness and Country's World Place as a Patent Application Activity in Top Fields of Innovations for 2018 Year
Correlation between National Digital Competitiveness and Country's World Place as a Patent Application Activity in Top Fields of Innovations for 2018 Year
作者 Maria Markova (Maria Markova)
This article is aimed to present the author's point of view for the 4-th industrial revolution, main characteristics of the most intensive fields of the innovations for the latest 5 years; the intellectual property rights in the top fields and the conclusions of the analysis of the IPR rights in these fields for 2018 year and relations to the national digital competitiveness. The author's thesis is that there is a correlation between the national digital competitiveness and the patent application from the country for technological innovations as a world place. This correlation is proved by a research of patent application activity in the top 3 innovation fields for 2018 by countries and the place in the scale of the national digital competitiveness of the top 15 countries. The focus of this paper is to present the correlation between the national digital competitiveness and the patent application from the country for technological innovations as a world place. In the complex methodological framework is included the conventional innovation theory, intellectual property rights (IP) and the management theory of competitiveness. This article follows the structure: (1) Introduction. (2) Defining the top 3 fields of the 4 IR, main characteristics and main results of the analysis of the patent applications as IPR in the 3 top fields of the 4 IR. (3) The national digital competitiveness as a brief concept and the IMD report for it for 2018. (4) Conclusions.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 4-th industrial revolutiondigital competitivenessintellectual property rightsintellectual property research
刊名 NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management  
期數 202012 (9:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北科技大學智慧財產權研究所
該期刊-下一篇 Policy Recommendations for Higher Access to the Healthcare while Addressing Intellectual Property Rights and an Individual Case: Cancer Care for Azibun Nessa




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