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Assessing the Scenic Beauty Value in Forest Recreation Area: Evidences from the Huisun Forest Recreation Area
作者 林彥妤柳婉郁 (Wan-Yu Liu)

本研究目的在評估惠蓀森林遊樂區之美景價值,以及探討樣本中具有抗議性想法之受訪者與其社經背景之相關性;在實證分析的部分採用區別分析、Heckman 二階段選擇模型、羅吉斯迴歸、四種OLS 迴歸。本研究採用非市場價值評估法中的條件評估法來評估美景價值,並採用支付額度卡法作為誘導支付模式。本研究共計發放250 份問卷,回收之有效問卷共計223 份,問卷回收率為89.2%。研究結果顯示惠蓀遊客每人每年美景價值為3,246 元,將其乘上2016 年惠蓀各月份之遊客人次,計算結果得到惠蓀森林遊樂區之美景總價值為592,110,896 元,顯示惠蓀美景十分具有價值。在排除抗議性樣本後之每人平均每年願付價格皆增加,其中以青蛙石步道及松風山步道增加的願付價格最多,分別為50.8 元/年/人、47 元/年/人。而在排除排除抗議性樣本後惠蓀森林遊樂區的美景價值為670,848,659 元/年。此外,實證結果顯示,本地遊客、未婚者、平均到訪次數越少者、停留時間越短者,其對於美景之願付價格相對較低;而年齡越低、教育程度越高、月所得越多、外地遊客、未婚者、停留時間越久的遊客,越可能具抗議性之想法。



The purpose of this research is to evaluate the beauty value of Huisun Forest Recreation Area, and to explore the correlation between respondents’ socioeconomic background and whether they are protester or not. This study uses 4 different empirical analysis, including discriminant Analysis, Heckman two-stage selection model, logistic regression and four kinds of OLS regression. We uses contingent valuation method to evaluate the beauty value, and uses payment card method as the induced payment mode. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed in this study, including 223 valid questionnaires. The questionnaire response rate was 89.2%. The research results show that the value of beautiful scenery of Huisun visitors is 3,246 NTD per person per year. Multiplying it by the number of monthly visitors of Huisun in 2016, we can know that the total scenery value of Huisun Forest Recreation Area is 592,110,896 NTD, which shows that the beautiful scenery of Huisun is very valuable. After excluding protest samples, the average of willingness to pay (WTP) per person per year increased. Among them, respondents’ WTP for Frog Stone Trail and Songfengshan Trail increased the most, which were 50.8 NTD per person per year and 47 NTD per person per year respectively. And the beautiful scenery value of Huisun Forest Recreation Area is 670,848,659 NTD per year. The empirical results show that people who are local tourists, unmarried, those with fewer average visits, and those with shorter stay period time have relatively lower WTP for beautiful scenery. And people with lower age, higher education level, greater monthly income, foreign tourists, unmarried, and longer stay period time are more likely to have protest response.


起訖頁 207-246
關鍵詞 條件評估法支付額度卡法美景價值抗議性樣本惠蓀森林遊樂區Contingent Valuation MethodPayment CardScenic Beauty ValueProtest SampleHuisun Forest Recreation Area
刊名 應用經濟論叢  
期數 202012 (108期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣股市局部最小變異數投資組合之績效




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