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A Study of the Narrative Aesthetics of Li Bai’s “Daoyi Poems”
作者 詹皓宇 (Chan Hao-Yu)




Since the Han and Wei Dynasties , the old theme of Yuefu(樂府)and many subject matter have formed a model of the same topic , such as "Xing Lu Nan"〈行路難〉,"Mo Shang Sang"〈陌上桑〉, and "Yong Ni Huai"〈詠擬懷〉. The "Daoyi Poems" is one of the motifs of the literati of the Han , Wei and Six Dynasties . It has a large number of literati competitions . In the Sui and Tang Dynasties , because of the frequent wars , the cultural implications between the husband who has gone to war and the wife , another wave of competition is formed . In Li Bai’s works , there are two "Daoyi Poems", one is a long seven-word poem , titled "Daoyi Pian"〈擣衣篇〉; the other is a short fiv-word poem , titled "Zi Ye Wu Ge‧Qiu Ge"〈子夜吳歌‧秋歌〉. In the past, most scholars sought the motifs of problem consciousness in the poem" Why is the simulation" ? This essay tries to cut through the context of three literary criticism terms : writing , representation and structure . First , writing is to explore the artistic conception of the poet’s poetry and the poet’s writing intention . Second , representation explains how the consciousness of culture and politics flows when poets write poetry . Third , structure inspects the spatial layout and systematic differentiation of the "Daoyi Poems". In all of these , this article uses literary criticism as a research method to analyze the poet’s imitation of the objects related to the pounding clothes , as well as the imagination of the woman’s inner grievances , and put forward personal opinions .


起訖頁 161-188
關鍵詞 寫作表述結構李白擣衣詩writingrepresentationstructureLi BaiDaoyi Poems
刊名 彰化師大國文學誌  
期數 202012 (40、41合刊期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論相聲中經典歪講的手法與意圖




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