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Daoist Health Regimens and Cultivations in Contemporary China: A Microscopic Perspective
作者 謝世維 (Hsieh, Shu-wei)
China has witnessed a wave of urbanization since the second half of the twentieth century. Factors such as the disintegration of family and local worship and the decline of traditional institutional religions have resulted in the individualization of spiritual practices, and the focus has shifted to an individual’s own body. Overall, the Daoist health regimen is a fairly personalized free choice based on Chinese pragmatism and empirical standards. The effect of body training manifests as obvious improvements in the body and mind, and personal experience can be obtained through empirical evidence. Furthermore, civil leaders play a critical role in contemporary health regimen groups. They are often people with special abilities and charms who have the ability to call for activities and organize loose social networks. These leaders follow the essence of traditional Daoism; however, they do not necessarily belong to a traditional Daoist sect. After preserving Daoist cultural symbols, this health culture group has increased its authority and established legitimacy. It has also avoided falling into illegal categories. Although Daoism cannot enter the religious legal market, at least with a traditional cultural symbol, the followers of this sect have established their place in health care markets at all levels of society through nonreligious patterns. This article concludes with five cases, from a micro perspective, to analyze different types of cultivation traditions and reflect on the current status and development of the contemporary Daoist regimen.
起訖頁 125-146
關鍵詞 宗教市場氣功修練道教養生religious marketqigongcultivationDaoismregimen
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202009 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 晚清丹家吳天秩與汪東亭的《西遊記》內丹學—以其「孫悟空」及「如意金箍棒」說為核心的探討
該期刊-下一篇 《莊子》詮釋的原因與方法:明末內丹家程以寧的答案(英文稿)




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