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Inheriting the Inner Alchemy Tradition: A Study of Chao-En Lin and the Nine Stages of Body-Mind Cultivation
作者 李忠達
The nine stages of body-mind cultivation created by Chao-En Lin inherits the tradition of inner alchemy from the Ming dynasty. Although Wan-Chun Zhuo and San-Feng Zhang used to be seen as the direct source of the nine stages, a large volume of alchemical texts cited by Lin in his works proves that Lin’s philosophy and practice owe greatly to the inner alchemy tradition of the Song and Ming dynasties. Investigating these alchemical texts provides a more complete understanding of the nine stages. First, this study looks at the alchemical texts cited by Lin, which provide us references to The Daoist Canon and other alchemical texts that forms the tradition of inner alchemy in the Ming dynasty. Second, it uses Jiuxu zhaiyan neijingtu (《九序摘言內景圖》) to study the relationship between the pratice of the nine stages and the tradition of Daoist cultivation. Finally, this study attemps to rethink the role that the nine stages played in the development of inner alchemy and its diversity and richness in the Ming dynasty.
起訖頁 067-097
關鍵詞 九序《九序摘言內景圖》三一教內丹林兆恩the nine stagesJiuxu zhaiyan neijingtuSanyiisminner alchemyChao-En Lin
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202009 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 嶗山道始:由空間需求與道德實踐觀點論述金代全真教傳道嶗山之因
該期刊-下一篇 晚清丹家吳天秩與汪東亭的《西遊記》內丹學—以其「孫悟空」及「如意金箍棒」說為核心的探討




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