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Basic Research on Ningyang Dong Zhenren Yuxianji: Connections between Shou-Zhi Dong, Dengzhendong, and Quanzhen School
作者 山田俊
Zhao-wen Lu (祿昭聞)’s Ningyang dong zhenren yuxianji (《凝陽董真人遇仙記》) is a monastic record of Shou-zhi Dong (董守志) in the Jin dynasty. The activity period of Shou-zhi Dong is almost the same as that of the early Quanzhen School. Tian-su Liu (劉天素) and others’ Jinlian zhengzong xianyuan xiangzhuan (《金蓮正宗仙源像傳》) and Zhi-xu Chen’s (陳致虛) Shangyangzi jindan dayao liexianzhi (《上陽子金丹大要列仙志》), which is a document of Quanzhen School (全真道) in later times, regard Shou-zhi Dong as a disciple of Hai-chan Liu (劉 海蟾). However, at least according to Ningyang dong zhenren yuxianji, he had no direct contact with the early Quanzhen School. Whether Shou-zhi Dong actually communicates with Quanzhen School remains debatable. This paper takes Ningyang dong zhenren yuxianji as the main material, and with the help of “Chongxiu sanqingge ji” (〈重修三清閣記〉) and other related materials, draws the following conclusion: Ningyang dong zhenren yuxianji connects the originally unrelated Dengzhendong (登真洞) anecdote and Shou-zhi Dong stories, while referring to the Taishang jiuyao xinyin miaojing (《太上九要心印妙經》) and other documents written by Guo Zhang (張果) and the legends related to Guo Zhang. Furthermore, “Chongxiu sanqingge ji” focused on Shou-zhi Dong’s story of Ningyang dong zhenren yuxianji and on “Zhang clan teachings of inner Alchemy”(張氏之仙流) and combined them. Subsequently, Quanzhen School focused on the relationship among Li-quan Zhong (鍾離權), Dong-bin Lu (呂洞賓), Hai-chan Liu (劉海蟾), and Shou-zhi Dong; as a result, the relationship of Hai-chan Liu with Shou-zhi Dong was established.
起訖頁 027-046
關鍵詞 〈重修三清閣記〉登真洞董守志《凝陽董真人遇仙記》“Chongxiu sanqingge ji,” DengzhendongShou-Zhi DongNingyang dong zhenren yuxianji
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202009 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 不死與長生:《漢武帝內傳》中的西王母及其仙道長生術
該期刊-下一篇 嶗山道始:由空間需求與道德實踐觀點論述金代全真教傳道嶗山之因




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