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Reuse Vacant Space as Day Care Center for Aged People--A Case Study of Vacant School Space
作者 陳柏宗 (Po-Tsung Chen)蘇玲玉 (Ling-Yu Su)王雅婷 (Ya-Ting Wang)邱靜如 (C. R. Chiou)
To meet the long-term care needs arising from the increasing elderly population and the longer life span, Taiwanese government has formally promoted community care since 2007, and set the day care center as an important policy focus for the ’’10-Year Long Term Care Plan’’, and the day care center is also the foundation of the long-term care 2.0 plan. According to statistics, the population support structure of Taiwan has been changed. Now, the support structure is mainly old age dependency followed by the child dependency. The main consideration for converting the vacant school space into day care centers is that the vacant school space is legal public venues and the core of community residents’ lives. This case study explores the reasons for its successful transformation and the difficulties it faces in the process, and provides suggestions based on the research results, in the hope that relevant government departments can put forward a series of relevant policies and implementation measures for the transformation of vacant school space into day care centers in the future. The results of this study summarize the reasons for the successful transformation of vacant school space into day care centers, including: cooperation and support between the central and local governments, effective and instant cross-bureau communication platforms and channels, and the recognition of original users (including schools and residents), the public’s knowledge and understanding of long-term care, the presence of experienced teams in operation and management, and the integration of local environmental characteristics. The purpose of this study is to explore the legal process for the release and transformation of school premises through theories and analysis of practical cases, so that the public and private sectors can participate in the more efficient construction of day care centers in the future.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 閒置校舍日間照顧社區式長期照顧Unused SchoolVacant School SpaceDay CareCommunity-Based Long-Term Care
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202006 (112期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 膠囊型旅館建築物有關防火避難及消防規定檢討之研究
該期刊-下一篇 療癒性環境應用於高齡者居家室內空間之研究




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