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Personalities and Overconfidence Predict Academic Procrastination and Frequency of Seeking Research Advice that Influence Graduate Study
作者 何雅娟葉建宏 (Jiann-Horng Yeh)王志美葉貞妮
Delayed graduation among graduate students constitutes an educational issue that influences individual career development; however, the severity of this issue has increased over time. To understand the effect of delayed graduation from the student perspective, this study adopted the theory of belief–action–outcome to examine the correlations among personalities, overconfidence, academic procrastination, and frequency of seeking advice—all of which influence graduate students’ study duration. Therefore, this study adopted convenience sampling to administer questionnaires, to which 236 valid responses were collected. After the reliability and validity test, confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling was performed. The results suggested that extraversion is positively related to overconfidence and academic procrastination, neuroticism is negatively related to overconfidence and academic procrastination, overconfidence and procrastination are negatively related to the frequency of seeking research advice, and the frequency of advice seeking was negatively related to study duration. According to this study, professors guiding graduate students with their thesis should consider their different personalities and offer more frequent seminars for counseling.
起訖頁 139-170
關鍵詞 人格特質修業學期數尋求指導頻率過度自信學術拖延行為personalitystudy durationfrequency of seeking research adviceoverconfidenceacademic procrastination
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202012 (65:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 建立高等教育「教與學的學術」文化:借鏡國際經驗展望臺灣教學實踐研究的推動
該期刊-下一篇 國內大學學習預警資訊系統研究:發展現況與侷限




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