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Entrepreneurial Intentions of Management Students: Moderating Effects of Department Identification
作者 王淑美岳修平黃昱凱康維真
This study employed theory of planned behavior as the research framework and utilized department identification as a modulating variable to explore the role of department identity in the formation of college students’ entrepreneurial intentions. After a comparative analysis of the models, the entrepreneurial intent of the higher-level department identification group was found to be affected by attitude and self-efficacy, whereas the lower-level department identification group was affected by attitude and social support. Students with different levels of department identification adopted different mechanisms to develop their entrepreneurial intentions. This finding was conducive to the improvement of entrepreneurship education in management schools. A further comparison between departments revealed that the entrepreneurship intentions of students from the business administration department were significantly higher than those of students in other departments; however, department identification was significantly lower than that of other departments. The results show that the differences in the core competence of the department may be the background factors that affect students’ department identification, entrepreneurial efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. However, whether departmental core competence is the reason why department identification has a moderating effect on entrepreneurial intentions warrants further research.
起訖頁 001-029
關鍵詞 計畫行為理論科系認同創業意圖管理教育theory of planned behaviordepartment identificationentrepreneurial intentionsmanagement education
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202012 (65:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 以教育大數據分析驅動入學管理機制開設新生銜接課程提升就學穩定度之研究




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