The relationship between the supervisor and subordinate goes beyond the formal contract to involve psychological contractual feelings. When supervisors unilaterally change the contracts and fail to realize their promises, subordinates may perceive psychological contract breach (PCB). However, implementing a change does not inevitably result in PCB and its subsequent negative effects, there are possible remedies to alleviate the impact. From the theoretical perspectives of social exchange and justice, the present study explored the impacts of PCB on subordinates’ job satisfaction (JS), organizational complaints (OC) and counterproductive work behavior (CWB) as well as the moderating role of supervisor’s justice remedy (SJR). Results from the 225 army personnel showed that JS mediated the relationship between PCB and OC, while SJR moderated these relationships. Neither PCB nor JS though significantly predicted CWB. We contributed to the literature by developing the Supervisor’s Justice Remedy Scale and the Organizational Complaints Scale. We also offered practical suggestions on reducing the negative effects of PCB through supervisors’ justice remedy actions.