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Logical Practice of Intertextuality and Design Operation
作者 吳南葳 (Nan-Wei Wu)

由包浩斯傳統而發展的現代主義建築教育,儘管企圖訓練學生抽象思考與實踐的能力,但學生往往偏重於幾何形體的操作、忽略抽象思考實踐背後的思考脈絡,造成寰宇主義的建築形式,並缺少地域的色彩。自1964年Architecture Without Architects 的展覽以降,Christopher Alexander 的建築模式語彙的理論與Kenneth Frampton 的批判性地域主義,均顯示一種對於現代主義的批判,企圖透過「地域」的觀點來介入建築設計的思考與操作,與環境、文化的「交互文本」(contextuality)則成為設計概念發展的重要依據。故「交互文本」(contextuality)為吾人在大三設計教學上主要教學操作方式。 為達到交互文本的轉化與實踐,在程序上,學生的設計操作需同時結合研究與設計兩個面向,分別透過觀察、分析、實驗、轉化、操作、檢視等過程,觀察與分析為研究調查的面向,實驗、轉化、操作為實驗性設計操作,最後之檢視則是試圖檢驗研究與設計、概念與發展的關連性。吾人試圖在這樣的操作過程中,讓同學建立設計操作的思考脈絡時,也試圖讓同學與設計之環境與議題產生對話關係,進而互為彼此之脈絡與內容,以讓同學發展個人之設計操作習慣與風格。



Architectural education derived from Bauhaus had strongly concerned with societies and environments. However, after certain developments for several decades, students’ designs usually stress more on geometrical operation of forms, ignoring thinking contexts behinds abstract consideration and practices. It resulted in architectural forms of universalism lacking regional characteristics. Since the exhibition ‘Architecture Without Architects’ in 1964 took place, Christopher Alexander’s A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction and Kenneth Frampton’s argument of critical regionalism came along in similar tunes. They all revealed their critiques of modern architecture, and they attempted using the idea of ‘region’ to interweave thinking and operation of architectural design. The intertextuality of environment and culture have become important sources of development of design concepts. Therefore, ‘intertextuality’ has turned to be my key approach while teaching architectural design in the third year for undergraduate students. For the transformation and practice of intertextuality of architectural design, students’ design processes need to combine research and design aspects with procedures of observation, analysis, experiments, transformation and re-examination. These approaches can assess the interrelationship between design, concept and development. In these design procedures, I tried to lead students’ projects, while they establishing their thinking contexts of design, to communicate with the environments and themes. It might furthermore help students to develop their own design approaches and styles.


起訖頁 001-018
關鍵詞 交互文本建築設計課程環境文本IntertextualityArchitectural Design EducationEnvironmental
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202009 (113增刊期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 系統原型操作的建築設計教學策略




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