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The Development of the Fourth ASEM
作者 湯紹成
繼每兩年一屆的亞歐會議於一九九六年第一次在曼谷(ASEM I)舉辦以來,二○○二年九月份於丹麥首都歌本哈根所舉行的會議已經是第四屆了。雖然亞歐會議定位為非正式論壇,本屆會議二九一一事件之後一項重要的洲際會議,受到各方的重視。本文將以全球化理論來探討亞歐會議的地位與價值。由於九一一事件的影嚮,使得此次會議以反恐為主題。亞歐雙方開誠佈公,求公存異,表達了相當多共同的立場,成果豐碩,其中對於美國許多政策提出異議,例如強調聯合國的地位,以及其對於朝鮮半島的態度,確實對於填補亞歐所謂的「缺少的聯繫」,意義重大。可,亞歐會議也還有相當的問題與困難,比如亞歐雙方相處的方式,亞歐會議的透明化不足,以及新會員入會等等,都還待雙方善意地共同研討改善。此外,中國在此次會議中也扮演了重要的角色,再加上第五屆中歐高峰會的召開,對於我方與歐盟的關係,也有相當的影嚮,值得注意。
The 4th ASEM took place in September 2002 in Copenhagen. Although ASEM is an informal forum, it was one of the most important cross-continental events after the September 11 incident. In this article, the perspective of globalization will be adopted for gaining an understanding of the value of ASTEM. Member states attached much importance to the ASEM, and results were significant. Due to the impact of the September 11 incident, anti-terrorism was the main topic of the meeting. Member states reached a consensus on a number of issues. The emphasis on the function of the United Nations and the stance on the Korean Peninsula crisis, however, differ from the position of the United States. This agreement can be regarded as a significant improvement on the search for so-called 'missng link'between Asia and Europe. Still, the ASEM has to overcome some problems, such as the way Europeans and Asians treat each other, the meeting's transparency and the criteria for newcomers to join, the solution of which needs good will from both sides. At the ASEM 4 gathering, China played an important role. Right after the ASEM meeting, the 5the EU-China Summit took place. The influence of China in both frameworks concerning issues related to Taiwan is noteworthy.
起訖頁 145-164
關鍵詞 全球化理論區域整合理論融合論亞歐會議亞歐外長會議亞歐經濟部長會議第五屆中歐高峰會朝鮮半島問題反恐問題人民亞歐會議Globalization TheoryIntegration TheoryFusion ThesisAsia-Europe MeetingASEM Foreign Minister MeetingASEM Foreign Minister MeetingASEM Economic Ministers Meeting5th China-EU SummitKorea Questionanti-terrorism QyestionPeople's ASEM
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 200401 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 亞歐會議形成的結構性動力與意義:從新區域主義的觀點分析




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