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Prospects for Substantiation of European Citizenship-A Comparison of Citizenship Concepts at EU and National Levels
作者 盧倩儀
本文旨在評估歐洲公民實質化之前景。歐洲公民的實質化毫無疑問需要仰賴歐盟會員國公民概念的調整。本文分「歐盟」與「會員國」兩個層次針對公民概念的演化 (包括公民界定之相關立法/修法,以及這些法律演變之邏輯)進行分析。文章在比較二者軌跡之後,對歐洲公民短期內實質化做出不樂觀的評估,原因在於「歐盟」與「會員國」公民概念演化的邏輯不僅幾乎完全獨立,甚至具有極大程度的不相容性。在歐盟層次,公民概念的發展是許多「應然」的累積,冀望民族主義與國家意識的淡化,充滿理想主義色彩。而在會員國層次,公民概念的轉化則並未與歐洲公民的建構接軌,反倒是各個國家根據其歷史遺產及政治現況而有所調整。
This article evaluates the prospects for the substantiation of 'Europen citizenship'. The substantiation of European citizenship hinges on the transformation at the Member State level of the concepts of citizenship. Contrasting the evolutions of citizenship concepts at the Union and the Member State levels, this article concludes that, given the different logics and even incompatibility of the paths of evolution at these two levels, it is unlikely that European citizenship can be substantiated in the near future. At the Union level, the concept of citizenship is a compilation of normative or even idealistic principles, expectant of the subsidence of nationalism. The transformation of citizenship concepts at the Member State level, however, has seemed unmindful of the construction of European citizenship, and reflected only their respective historical legacies and domestic politics.
起訖頁 55-79
關鍵詞 歐洲聯盟歐洲公民公民概念國籍法血綠主義屬地主義Euroopean UnionEuropean citizenshipcitizenship conceptnationality lawsjus sanguinisjus soli
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 200309 (42:5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟東擴進程及其面臨之挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 論網路資源在台灣歐盟研究中的角色




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