英文摘要 |
The economy of the US faced both financial and trade deficits in the 1980s. Therefore. after the Plaza Accord in the 1985, Japan was forced to rapidly revaluate the yen under pressure from the US, Britain, and France Ncvcrlhclcss, the US cconomy slill did not recover. In addilion. sincc the collapsc or the bubblc cconomy in 1991 , the Japancsc government also uscd the exchange rate policy to stimulate it's stagnating economy. Even so, Japan's economy has not recovered. Why did changing the exchange rate fail to help the economy? How is a Country to achieve an optimum exchange rate policy? This article argues that the main reason for the recessions in the US and Japan was not the exchange rate problem but was rather due to domestic problems These two countries must reform their inefficienct financial svstems. This arliclc cxplorcs thc polilical raclors bchind the cxchangc ralc policics in the US and Japan sincc 1980. |