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Inspection and Proposal for Evaluating Secondary School Teacher Students’ Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
作者 劉怡薰宋曜廷 (Yao-Ting Sung)
我國中等學校師資生教師專業檢核機制,在教育專業知識上,主要由教師資格檢定考試檢核;在任教學科專門知識上,則採「書面文件檢覈」制度。2017 年之《師資培育法》實行後,各大學自行規劃師培課程,無外部第三方檢核歷程,送部備查即可實施,且自行核發修畢師資職前教育證明書。此措施即取消現行師資生任教學科專門知識之「書面文件檢覈」制度,使其具備該知識之品保問題更形嚴重。因此,本研究以「國家整體師資培育品管機制」、「市場競爭機制與學校教甄把關之效應」、「教師任教學科知能需求」、「教師證照之專業信用」等面向,評估由政府檢測師資生任教學科專門知識之必要性,並參考國外教師資格考試,針對我國檢測中等學校師資生專門知識之測驗技術問題,建議可行之檢測方式。
In Taiwan, two methods are adopted to measure secondary school teacher students’ knowledge about teaching. First, teacher students’ knowledge of education gained from their teacher education is examined through the Teacher Certification examination. Second, their content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) are evaluated through a written inspection procedure. However, since the implementation of the Teacher Education Act 2017, each university designs and uses its own teacher education curriculum without any third party inspection. The university also issues a certificate document upon completion of the teacher education program. These series of procedures have replaced the written document inspection by a third party, resulting in the problem of monitoring the quality of teacher students’ CK and PCK. Therefore, this study approached this problem by highlighting the necessity for the Taiwanese government to intervene and examine secondary school teacher students’ CK and PCK from the following perspectives: (1) Quality assurance in teacher education through a national management system. (2) The effects of market competition and teacher selection. (3) The requirement for teachers’ CK and PCK, and (4) teacher credentials. Moreover, after considering the existing assessment technology and the teacher certification exams in other countries, we provided appropriate methods to examine secondary school teacher students’ CK and PCK.
起訖頁 167-194
關鍵詞 師資培育專門知識教師資格檢定考試teacher educationcontent knowledge/pedagogical content knowledgeteacher certification exam
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202006 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 美、英、澳、星四國中小學師資生遴選標準及對我國啟示之探討
該期刊-下一篇 從十二年國教核心素養探究中小學體育類科師資合流培育之可能




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