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State Theory Approaches and Contemporary China Studies
作者 黃秋龍
本文主旨在通過國家理論〈state theory〉與當代中國〈Modern China〉研究範疇中,在知識理論及經濟評估上,為政治意識認知與物質利益行動之間實際存在的對應關係,尋找一種具體可行的理解途徑,進而試著提出科學研究的戰略考量。初步認為一種結合理論論述與經驗評估的對應關係,聯繫著一個組織系統所整體重構的價值認知體系與具體行動稟性〈disposition〉。這些關系網絡並非只局限於結構功能上的平衡與制度化的運作,而含括了中共黨人長期以來的對人民內部矛盾與階級鬥爭相互轉化的理論實踐〈praxis〉與日常生活實現〈practice〉的生存心態文化稟性〈cultural disposition of habirus〉。它並非是自在實存的實體,卻相對自主的影響著國家、社會與黨的實在機制。這些要素將指涉中共如何重建自身的國家理論與其統治合法性及國家理論等問題。
This article uses state theory to explore state-society relations in contemporary China. The author claims that ideological debates and power conflicts are closely linked in PRC politics and that this correlation is a normal pattern of Chinese communist politics. Ideological debates signify the beginning of severe power struggles and the results of these power struggles determine which ideological line is correct. This pattern of politics has become a way for ordinary Chinese people to interpret daily lives. Therefore, in order to understand PRC politics one must focus on the interactions among different parts of the state machine and between state and society, rather than the formal structure of political institutions and their power. This conclusion reveals the need for the Chinese political theoreticians to reconstruct a socialist state theory that explains the transformation of state-society relations in China, rather than solely criticizes capitalist state theories.
起訖頁 55-81
關鍵詞 國家理論本體論知識論方法論的關係主義人本主義結構主義典範state theoryontologyepistemologymethodological relationalism
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 200007 (39:7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 現實主義國際政治學的知識脈絡




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