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On the Pilgrimage to Mt. Wudang Made by Waiao Jietian Temple
作者 盛翠穎 (Sheng, Tsui-ying)

玄天上帝是道教所崇奉的神衹,也是台灣民間信仰當中極受尊崇的男性神 衹之一。武當山位於湖北省十堰市,自古被世人奉為「仙山」,崇奉玄天上帝 的信徒皆以能前往武當山朝聖為畢生之心願;外澳接天宮草創於清道光二十三 年(1843),於民國七十九年(1990)連續兩度組團前往武當山紫霄宮朝聖, 擲筊獲玄天上帝准許將其設立為「武當祖廟台灣第一行宮」,成為台灣玄帝信 仰重鎮之一。

本文擬以玄帝經典、田調訪談資料與個人親身經驗為依據,針對武當山對 玄帝信仰發展的重要性、外澳接天宮的武當朝聖模式與歷史發展,以及武當朝 聖活動對外澳接天宮及其信徒所產生的啟發與意義,做出剖析與論述。期盼在 深度解讀武當朝聖活動的同時,發現外澳接天宮在台灣形成「微型武當朝聖」 模式的意涵。



In Taiwan, Xuantian Shangdi (玄天上帝) is one of the most worshiped deities, both in Taoism and popular religion. Mt. Wudang (武當山), located in Shiyan City in Hubei Province (湖北省十堰市), has been regarded as “Xianshan” (Mountains of the Immortal, 仙山) since ancient times. To make a pilgrimage to Mt. Wudang has been taken as an irreplaceable wish during the whole life of the followers of Xuantian Shangdi. Waiao Jietian Temple (外澳接 天宮) was founded in 1843. In 1990, it made pilgrimage to Zixiao Temple (紫霄宮) in Mt. Wudang twice and was granted, by means of casting divination blocks, the title of “the First Temporary Palace of Wudang in Taiwan” (武當祖廟台灣第一行宮) by Xuantian Shangdi. Waiao Jietian Temple has become one of the significant temples of Xuantian Shangdi in Taiwan since then.

Based on the scriptures about Xuantian Shangdi, the fieldwork data and personal experience, this essay tries to explore and discuss the importance of Mt. Wudang to the development of Xuantian Shangdi belief, the mode and history of Wudang Pilgrimage made by Waiao Jietian Temple as well as the meaning to Waiwo Jietian Temple and Xuantian Shangdi’s followers inspired by the Pilgrimage to Wudang. On interpreting the religious activities of the pilgrimage to Wudang in depth, we look forward to detecting the significance of the “micro-pilgrimage to Wudang” presented by Waiao Jietian Temple in Taiwan.


起訖頁 029-069
關鍵詞 玄天上帝武當山武當朝聖外澳接天宮微型武當朝聖Xuantian ShangdiMt. Wudangpilgrimage to WudangWaiao Jietian Templemicro-pilgrimage to Wudang
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 201912 (18:2期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-上一篇 馬祖道一心性論禪法思想探究
該期刊-下一篇 從生命關懷的角度省思我國宗教與殯葬政策的問題與展望




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