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The effects of two consecutive simulated games on heart rate and blood lactate in elite Taekwondo athletes
作者 鐘昱剴 (Yu-Kai Chung)吳燕妮 (Yen-Ni Wu)王順正 (Soun-Cheng Wang)何承訓 (Cheng-Shiun He)

目的:本研究旨在,探討跆拳道選手在單日兩場模擬比賽的心跳率、血乳酸與運動知覺疲勞程度的變化情形。方法:以國立中正大學跆拳道隊公開組選手男性4位與女性4位為研究對象,平均年齡為20.50 ± 1.0歲,身高168.3 ± 5.1公分,體重59.3 ± 6.1公斤接受訓練平均8.1 ± 2.1年,檢測跆拳道選手在進行兩場模擬比賽中三個回合休息時間和第三回合後1、5、10、90分鐘的心跳率、血乳酸與RPE的變化情形,以SPSS 20.0統計分析軟體,使用重複量數二因子變異數分析。結果:本研究發現跆拳道選手在單日兩場模擬比賽的血乳酸變化情形達顯著差異(第一場賽前:1.7 ± 0.7 mmol/L,賽後1分鐘:11.2 ± 4.3 mmol/L,賽後5分鐘:8.4 ± 3.6 mmol/L,賽後10分鐘:6.7 ± 3.4 mmol/L,賽後90分鐘:3.8 ± 2.8 mmol/L;第二場賽前:3.8 ± 2.8 mmol/L,賽後1分鐘:14.3 ± 3.2 mmol/L,賽後5分鐘:9.0 ± 2.8 mmol/L,賽後10分鐘:7.5 ± 2.3 mmol/L,賽後90分鐘:6.4 ± 3.1 mmol/L;p < .05),其中第二場的賽後1分鐘血乳酸值顯著高於第一場賽後1分鐘。第一場比賽的賽前、賽中和賽後的心跳率和運動知覺疲勞程度則與第二場比賽沒有顯著差異。結論:本研究結果發現單日第二場模擬比賽後的血乳酸值顯著高於第一場賽後,建議跆拳道選手可在賽後進行動態恢復或攝取補給品,以降低血乳酸值,有助於後續賽事的表現。



Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in heart rate and blood lactate during two simulated games in Taekwondo athletes. Methods: Eight elite Taekwondo athletes from National Chung Cheng University participated in the study. The simulated games were held in accordance with the 2017 Taekwondo rules. The interval between the two games during a single day were 90 minutes. The heart rate and blood lactate concentration was measured before and after the games. Data was analyzed by repeated measures two way ANOVA. The significant level is α=.05. Results: There was a significant time effect (p < 0.05) in blood lactate between two games (Combat1-pre: 1.7 ± 0.7, Post-1min: 11.2 ± 4.3, Post-5min: 8.4 ± 3.6, Post-10min: 6.7 ± 3.4, Post-90min: 3.8 ± 2.8; Combat2-pre: 3.8 ± 2.8, Post-1min: 14.3 ± 3.2, Post-5min: 9.0 ± 2.8, Post-10min: 7.5 ± 2.3, Post-90min: 6.4 ± 3.1; mmol/L). The blood lactate concentration was significantly elevated in combat 2 compared with combats 1. Conclusion: The study showed that repeated exposure to taekwondo combat was associated with increased blood lactate responses. It was suggested that Taekwondo athletes could do dynamic recovery or take supplements to reduce the blood lactate level for the following games.


起訖頁 001-016
關鍵詞 重複比賽運動恢復運動表現技擊運動Repeat the game recoveryperformancecombat
刊名 跆拳道學刊  
期數 201912 (6期)
出版單位 台灣跆拳道運動學會
該期刊-下一篇 2017年世界大學運動會跆拳道比賽女子組金牌選手技術分析研究




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