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An Analysis of Military Disengagement from Politics
作者 洪陸訓
If the period of the 1960s and 1970s was an era of military coups, the period of the 1980s and early 1990s can, in contrast, be called an era characterized by the withdrawal of military forces from active participation in politics in a number of Third World countries. These events have challenged the previously held belief that military interventions in politics are conclusive and irreversible. In addition, these acts have generated a new wave of interest regarding the relationship between the military and society in general, and the transition from military rule to civilian government in particular.The findings from this research suggest that military disengagement from politics has been derived from the characteristics of the military institutions' environments. Disengagement of military forces from political powers has followed two different ways: planned disengagement (in which junta leaders consciously attempt to remove themselves from political dominance) and unplanned disengagement (in which junta leaders are forced to relinquish power, often resulting in further military intervention). The objectives of disengagement consist of remedying immediate deficiencies and, by rearranging political relations, ensuring that the pre-coup conditions should not be formed. After the disengagement of the military from politics, the new government often meets the challenge of power in the aftermath of the transition. This article asserts that military regimes can be liberalized, but not democratized. In other words, only by substantial civilianization can military-based governments move to a state of full democracy.
起訖頁 57-71;77
關鍵詞 軍人干政軍人脫離政治軍事政權文武關係military in terventionmilitary disengagement from politicsmilitary regimecivil-military relations
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 199801 (37:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 波羅的海三國申請加入北約與俄羅斯的安全爭議




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