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Effect of Information-Processing Strategies and Political Discussion on Game and Substance Knowledge
作者 李宗亞 (Zong-Ya Li)羅文輝 (Ven-Hwei Lo)盧鴻毅 (Hung-Yi Lu)魏然 (Ran Wei)




This study examines the effects of information-processing strategies and political discussion on the acquisition of knowledge regarding the student-led Sunflower Movement in Taiwan. On the basis of framing theory, two distinctive types of knowledge are measured: game and substance knowledge. Frame analysis of 1,365 news stories in Taiwan’s four leading newspapers indicates that game frames were used more than substance frames in news about the student movement. A survey of 1,137 college students regarding their awareness and knowledge of the movement reveals that attention to student movement news was the strongest predictor of game knowledge, whereas elaboration of such news was significantly associated with substance knowledge. In addition, the results of the survey indicate that social media discussion was a stronger predictor of the level of game knowledge than interpersonal discussion, but interpersonal discussion had a greater effect on the acquisition of substance knowledge.


起訖頁 117-155
關鍵詞 公共事務知識太陽花學運政治討論新聞注意新聞思考public affairs knowledgeSunflower Movementpolitical discussionnews attentionnews elaboration
刊名 中華傳播學刊  
期數 201912 (36期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 候選人臉書粉絲專頁的使用、決定因素和影響:以2016年臺灣區域立委選舉為例
該期刊-下一篇 身體圖式行為與互動文本的創作原則:現象學視角下的討論




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