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Research on the Influence of Cultural Capital on Local Development with Social Capital as an Intermediary: Taking Singang Township as an Example
作者 程航 (Hang Cheng)吳明儒 (Ming-Ju Wu)




Singang is rich in cultural capital, and its Matsu culture impacts the development of Singang Township. This paper focuses on how Singang’s cultural capital is transformed into social capital and affects local development. It adopts exploratory methods and collects data mainly from in-depth interviews. It concludes that cultural capital creates local identity via local organizations, and that the transformation of cultural capital into social capital arises from the following three aspects: the religious culture, centered on Matsu, promotes trust between locals; the local cultural ethos of placing public interest ahead of personal interest forms the interactive norm in Singang Township; and the organizational culture of its citizens’ association strengthens the network of local participation. Social capital also generates spillover effects through community actions, such as free meals during the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession, the Singang Cleaning Initiative, and two wonderful roads designed to enhance local awareness and boost development.


起訖頁 161-212
關鍵詞 文化資本社會資本地方發展公民行動Cultural CapitalSocial CapitalLocal DevelopmentCitizen Action
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 201910 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
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