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歐巴馬政府第二任期之對中政策--初期政策之形成過程(Obama's Second Term China Policy: The Making of the Second Term Early Policy)
作者 中居良文
歐巴馬總統雖然抱持著世界和平之偉大願望,然美國國內存在多種問題,上台後無法於外交上分配太多時間。其初期對中國政策,並非基於大戰略,而是一面跨越面臨之課題,一面擷取而作成。連任之總統受其第一任任期採取之政策所限制。這是因為對外政策的政策連續性之重要,以及第二任任期難以全面推翻其第一任之政策之故。歐巴馬第二任任期之對中國政策,延續其第一任之政策,預料將採取漸進且慎重之交往政策。或可形容為所謂「彈性且綜合性之勢力平衡(balance of power)政策。其政策目標為:將中國之亞洲政策導向為如同2008年前一般的穩健且和平,防範突發性事件導致之關係惡化於未然,以及擴大美國之影響力至包含中國的全亞洲。
Although President Obama has aspirations for world peace, the large amount of domestic problems in the United States has prevented him from allocating too much time on foreign policy. His early stage China Policy was not based on any grand strategy but rather an assortment of responses formed gradually to overcome challenges that surface. Re-elected presidents are limited by the policies formulated in the first term. Considering the importance of policy continuity, overturning the first term foreign policy in the second term is extremely difficult. Obama's second term China policy is a continuation of his first term policy and is expected to adopt a gradual and prudent engagement approach, i.e. it can also be called the balance of power policy. The policy objective is to guide China's Asia Policy back to the pre-2008 stability and peace, guarding against any deterioration of relations caused by unexpected events, as well as expanding United States' influence to China and the greater Asia region.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 連續性平衡現實主義合理性制約ContinuityBalanceRealismBounded Rationality
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201303 (42:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 見た目は新しいが中身は変わらず:第二期オバマ政権のアジア太平洋政策の初歩研究




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