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From Company Director Amendment in United Kingdom to Analyze the Potential Revolution to Company Law Article 27 in Taiwan: Comments on No. 35 Panel Judgment of Supreme Court
作者 蘇怡慈
董事會角色與功能影響公司效能與公司治理甚深。我國由一九四六年起允許政府及法人出任董事及監察人,我國企業普遍使用法人董監制度。雖學者多年來疾呼改革法人董監制度,但改革始終未竟全功。法人董事為世界主要資本市場罕見之制度,少數存有法人董事制度已逾百年之英國,亦逐年修正該國公司法,限縮法人董事之使用。二○一五年通過英國小型商業企業及雇用法(Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act, SBEEA),主要改革之一即為全面廢除法人董事制度。本文由公司法第27條之發展出發,再比較我國與其他存有此一制度之資本市場之相異處,並介紹二○一五年甫通過之英國小型商業企業及雇用法,探討英國擬全面廢除法人董事之主要原因。最後評析最高法院104年度台上字第35號判決及其歷審判決,探討法人董監制度在我國之存廢之可能性及配套措施,望能拋磚引玉,達到強化我國公司治理之目標。
The board’s function and role are key points of large companies in modern times, because it influences companys’ efficiency and corporate governance. Company directors and supervisors are allowed in Taiwan since 1946 and still widely used nowadays. Although scholars urged to amend company director institution, the amendment has been minor. Company director institution is rarely used in most jurisdictions but United Kingdom is one of it. However, U.K. has narrowed its used gradually. United Kingdom passed the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act (SBEEA) in 2015, abolished company directors are one of the major amendment. This paper introduces the advantage and disadvantage of Taiwanese company law article 27 first. Then comparing the differences to other jurisdictions and introduce SBEEA. Last this paper will analyze the No. 35 penal judgment of Supreme Court and offer potential solutions to company director institution.
起訖頁 87-128
關鍵詞 法人董監公司治理英國公司法英國小型商業企業及雇用法BoardCompany DirectorCompany SupervisorU.K. Company LawSmall Business Enterprise and Employment Act(SBEEA)
刊名 興大法學  
期數 201905 (25期)
出版單位 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所
DOI 10.3966/199516202019050025003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 宗教團體之所得與稅捐優惠
該期刊-下一篇 重利罪之保護法益與制裁結構──以信用重利為例




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