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秀傳醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Related Literature Review and Case Analysis of Treatment of Male Infertility with Sperm Abnormalities with Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 王淑秋曾千芸陳奕任翁瑞陽蘇惠靖鍾奕璇張烱宏

不孕症的定義是夫妻雙方在正常的性生活且沒有避孕經過一年仍無法懷孕者。世界衛生組織(WHO)估計大約有 8-12% 的夫婦經歷過不孕的問題,根據統計, 國內現代人晚婚晚育已成趨勢,台灣不孕症盛行率高達 15%,其中男性因素佔20-70%,女性因素則約佔 60-70%。男性精蟲不良是男性不孕最主要因素。但研究 發現精蟲品質不良病理機轉迄今不明。各種治療或營養品對部分患者精蟲改善有幫助,但仍有很多人無效,研究統計大約有 30-40% 患者會尋求替代療法如針灸和中藥 治療。由中醫文獻發現男性精蟲不良其病因歸納起來概括為先天不足、過勞、房勞過度、飲食不節、情志失調等,病機則以腎虛、脾虛、氣虛、血虛、心腎不交、痰 濁、氣滯等多見。本文探討中醫於男性不孕症的治療成效,以一精蟲品質異常之男性不孕症患者為例,藉由中醫治療搭配西醫檢驗,成功提高患者精蟲品質,並成功 自然受孕。



Infertility is defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after having regular unprotected sex for over 12 months. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 8-12% of couples have experienced infertility. Late marriage and advanced reproductive age have become trends. Thus, the prevalence of infertility in Taiwan is as high as 15%, of which male factors account for 20 - 70%, while female factors account for about 60-70%. Poor quality of semen is the most important factor in male infertility. However, the pathogenesis of sperm quality is still not known. Various treatments or nutrients have been shown to be effective in some patients, but are still ineffective for many. For the above reason, about 30-40% of patients seek alternative treatments such as acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine shows that poor quality of male sperm results from congenital deficiency, overwork, excessive sexual exhaustion, improper diet, affect-mind dissatisfaction, etc. The Traditional Chinese Medicine pathogenesis more commonly points to kidney vacuity, spleen vacuity, deficiency of vital energy, blood deficiency,heart and kidney failure to interact, dampness-phlegm syndrome, Qi stagnation, etc. This article explores the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine on male infertility. Taking a male infertility patient with the abnormal quality of sperm as an example, Chinese medicine treatment combined with semen analysis can successfully improve the quality of sperm in patients and lead to successful conception.


起訖頁 071-076
關鍵詞 男性不孕症中醫精蟲品質異常
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 201906 (18:1期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位車禍截肢之中年男性患者之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 大數據在醫學影像中未來的發展




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