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The Care Experience of an Elderly Person Bedridden after Initial Stroke
作者 鄭芊荷陳靜嫻

本文描述一位 76 歲婦女初次中風引發許多健康相關問題的照顧經驗。照護時間自 2016 年 12 月 21 日至 2016 年 12 月 27 日,經觀察、傾聽、會談,並運用 Gordon 十一項健康功能評估歸納個案的護理問題有:現存性感染 / 缺乏泌尿道感染與導尿管照護相關知識;身體活動功能障礙 / 缺乏復健相關知識;無望感 / 對復健 缺乏信心。於照護過程予關懷、探視,以建立信任感,並提供相關護理措施及衛教單張,輔以電子網路資訊,提升個案及照顧者知識與技能來改善泌尿道感染及身體 活動功能障礙;在無望感部分,讓家屬利用 line 通訊軟體鼓勵個案及利用 YouTube網站復健成功個案的經驗分享,來提升個案自信心,增加復健動機。



This report describes the experience of care for a 76-year-old woman with first-time stroke which induced many health care problems. The duration of care was from Dec 21-27, 2016. Observation, listening, consultation and evaluation care problems were performed according to the Gordon 11 Functional Health Pattern. Major problems were found including (1) existing infection/lack of knowledge on UTI and catheter care; (2) physical activity dysfunction/lack of knowledge on rehabilitation; (3) hopelessness/lack of confidence on rehabilitation. The care process included building up trust by caring and visiting, and providing related care skills and health education information. In addition, internet information was also used. This process both improved the caregiver’s knowledge and skills, andhelped resolve the patient’s problems of UTI infection and physical activity dysfunction. To address hopelessness, a communication app was used by family members to encourage the patient, and successful cases of rehabilitation onYouTube were shared to enhance the patient’s self-confidence and rehabilitation motivation.


起訖頁 043-052
關鍵詞 中風泌尿道感染護理
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 201906 (18:1期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位初次罹患肺癌併惡性肋膜積水面臨死亡恐懼之 案例報告
該期刊-下一篇 運用中醫月經周期療法治療次發性不孕暨期刊文獻回顧




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