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探討細懸浮微粒 PM2.5 對成人心血管疾病的影響 —以台灣發表於國際期刊為研究對象
The Impact of PM2.5 on Adult Cardiovascular Diseases — Articles Published from Taiwan on PubMed
作者 高以信 (Yee-Hsin Kao)江瑞坤 (Jui-Kun Chiang)

背景及目的:台灣行政院環境保護署將空氣品質分成六個指標,逐漸為國民所認知,空氣品質對人體健康的影響是醫療人員需關心的重要議題。方法:本文僅對空氣污染物中之細懸浮微粒(Suspended particular matter of 2.5 microns, PM2.5)對成人心血管疾病之影響,以台灣 2007-2017 年發表於國際期刊的文章作探討。結果:共收錄 30 篇文章,PM2.5 會增加因鬱血性心臟衰竭、心律不整住院的風險, 增加因缺血性心臟病、腦中風求助急診與住院的風險,以及增加 C 反應蛋白的濃度;但 PM2.5 對血壓及心血管疾病死亡的影響,尚無一致的結果。結論:細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)對成人心血管疾病有著重要的影響,醫療人員在照護相 關疾病時,也應了解 PM2.5 對心血管疾病的影響。不同空污的估計方法及其對心血管疾病的影響則有待進一步的研究。



Backgrounds & Purpose: The Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan proposed six levels of air pollution exposure index in Taiwan showing the government’s concern with this issue and the public has gradually become aware after implementation. The impact of air quality on human health is an important concern to medical personnel.Methods: This article collected those studies focused on the effect of PM2.5 on adult cardiovascular diseases originated from Taiwan and published on the PubMed during 2007-2017.Results: A total of 30 articles were enrolled. Higher levels of PM2.5 would increase the risk of hospital admission for congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, ischemic heart diseases, and stroke. The effects of PM2.5 on blood pressure, and death attribution were not concluded.Conclusion: This article reminds health providers of the impact of air pollution on cardio- vascular diseases patients under their care.


起訖頁 001-012
關鍵詞 空氣品質PM2.5心血管疾病
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 201906 (18:1期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-下一篇 降低調劑量超出導致健保折付方案




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