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Regulatory Models on Disinformation and Its Legitimacy: A Perspective from International Declarations and Comparative Law
作者 鍾禛
假消息泛指所有流通之不實陳述,近來國際上逐漸發現假消息對於政治、社會的影響甚鉅應予以管制,但同時亦應顧及言論自由保護的平衡,避免國家藉由管制之名,行打壓言論自由之實。是以,國家是否該介入管制假消息,以及何為適切的管制模式,便是值得思考的議題。聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處(OHCHR)與人權高專與歐洲安全及合作組織(OSCE)等機構於2017年時共同發布一宣言,首先揭示假消息流通為需要關注之議題,但又重申各國負有營造有利於言論自由環境之積極義務,故該宣言主要對於國家管制假消息之問題提出大方向指導,同時亦關注中介者(intermediary)為了限制或傳播內容所採取之措施。除了聯合國聯合宣言,2015年美國電子前哨基金會(EFF)等非政府組織亦針對中介者擬定「馬尼拉原則」(Manila Principles),對其相關法律責任與義務作出原則性之規範。本文回顧聯合國聯合宣言與馬尼拉原則所宣示之重要原則,並且歸納出國際上管制假消息的三種主要模式:對發言者的管制、對中介者的管制,以及建立第三方查核機制,並且對於我國法上假消息管制之相關規範進行檢視。
The so-called “disinformation”, or mentioned as “false information”, refers to false statements in a general sense. Recently, the international society gradually notices that disinformation can have huge impacts on politics and society, and that there should be some means to regulate the spread of disinformation. However, how to balance the regulation and the freedom of speech is a question. As a result, it is important to find out whether the government should intervene in the regulation of disinformation, as well as the best framework if regulating disinformation. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and organizations such as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) have discussed and released a joint declaration on issues related to freedom of expression, “fake news”, disinformation and propaganda in 2017, expressing concerns on the spread of disinformation and reiterating that States are under a positive obligation to foster an enabling environment for freedom of expression. This declaration mainly provides guides for States to deal with the regulation of disinformation, and concerns about measures taken by intermediaries to limit access to or the dissemination of digital content. In addition to the UN joint declaration, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other non-governmental organizations also focus on the intermediary liability and provide some general principles, together called the Manila Principles. This thesis will first review the important concepts revealed in the UN joint declaration and the Manila Principles, and then conclude that there are three main frameworks of regulating disinformation, including regulations for speakers, regulations for intermediary, and establishing a factchecking mode. At last, there will be an overall review targeted at the relating regulations of Taiwan presently.
起訖頁 425-476
關鍵詞 假消息假新聞言論自由第三方單位管制事實查核機制Fake NewsDisinformationFreedom of ExpressionFactCheckingReality Check
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201801 (43:3期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
DOI 10.3966/101665132018014303005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 司法與不信任──論人民參審的憲法界限




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