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The Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture on Tension-Type Headache – A Case Report
作者 李以荍 (Yi-Chiao Lee)沈哲民 (Jer-Ming Sheen)洪裕強 (Yu-Chiang Hung)黃升騰 (Sheng-Teng Huang)盧政男 (Cheng-Nan Lu)

本病例報告為一33 歲女性,自述至民國105 年5 月15 日開始,早上睡醒後開始出現左邊顳側頭部緊痛,伴隨有左側肩頸緊繃,無頭暈、無噁心嘔吐,無預兆,診斷屬於緊張型頭痛。病患在民國102 年11 月以及103 年7 月也有出現單側顳側頭痛的情形。病患在105 年5 月18 日至本院中醫門診就診,經中醫辨證論治後,證型屬於風濕頭痛兼有熱象。針灸治療採用辨證論治、標本同治的方式,藉針刺可行氣活血,以疏風清熱化濕。針灸加電針治療15 分鐘後,病患表示疼痛程度從原本的7~8 分減至1~2 分。針灸後2 日,頭痛完全緩解,病患的症狀獲得良好的控制,目前無復發。本病案說明針灸治療可做為緊張性頭痛一個治療的選擇。



This is a 33-year-old female patient suffered from headache in left temple accompanied with left neck and shoulder stiffness since 2016/05/15. No dizziness, nausea, vomiting or aura was mentioned. There were also unilateral temporal headaches in November 2001 and July 2003. Due to above situations, she visited our Chinese Medicine department for help on 2016/05/18. The diagnosis of tension-type headache was impressed. Based on Chinese medical differential diagnosis, the patterns were affection of exogenous wind- phlegm with heat. Acupuncture therapy was performed for promoting qi to activate blood, and the acupuncture points was chosen for dissipating the wind, purging the heat, and dissipating dampness. After 15 minutes of electro-acupuncture therapy, the patient’s numerical rating scale decreased from 7~8 to 1~2. Then her headache relieved completely two days later. In conclusion, acupuncture may be one of the choices in treating tension headache.


起訖頁 128-139
關鍵詞 中醫緊張性頭痛針灸辨證論治Traditional Chinese Medicinetension-type headacheacupuncturesyndrome differentiation and treatment
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201812 (29:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 台灣現代針灸的適應性與原創性:以進針手法的演變為例
該期刊-下一篇 頸部推拿治療頸源性頭暈- 病例報告




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