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Visualizing the Subsistence Productions of Ordinary People in a Modernized Colonial City--The Socioeconomic-Spatial Dimension of Tainan City (1934)
作者 鄭安佑 (A. Y. Cheng)吳秉聲 (P. S. Wu)徐明福 (Min-Fu Hsu)

在臺灣聚落研究的脈絡,以及既有都市空間變遷研究的基礎上,本文進一步「看見」街巷中一般居民的謀生景致。首先,本研究使用地理資訊系統,實證地分析具空間資訊的「業種」相關資料,在具體空間中「看見」經濟活動的分布,指出臺南市在指向經濟的「社會經濟‒都市空間」現代化過程中,1934年時的鬧熱區範圍,以及同業集中現象的轉變。就鬧熱區而言,延續了清領時期以來的「社會經濟‒都市空間」結構。但同業集中的地點則從清領時期的大街,轉變為市區外圍。 上述「業種」的分析側重「社會經濟」,其次則以「都市空間」,亦即「街道」為對象,了解其間景況。1933年日人越智寅一在西門町路與末廣町路路口的西市場開設的浅草商場,以及同年臺人邱天賜在西門町路與本町路路口金同成商店所興建的連棟街屋,適足以體現末廣町路作為規劃的政經軸線,而本町路延續清領時期大街區位的情況。現代化過程中,新興與原有的行業雜陳在都市計畫道路的沿街面上。然而,轉入街廓的巷弄之中,聚落研究「維生的社會經濟面向」要「看見」的是更為一般的居民謀生活動。1934年時,在原大西門以東,連接本町路的米街、抽籤巷,及其以西,位於原五條港的仁和街、杉行街、看西街所「看見」的是街巷裡回應著總體結構變遷的謀生活動景致,指向人依存於聚落以維生的本質。 最後,本研究採用的是一個「地方研究」的取徑,在區域尺度與聚落、建物尺度上分別處理相關資料,而此一地方研究的結果,亦能和政經取徑的論述或個人傳記的資料相銜接,以更完整地看見並理解「社會經濟‒都市空間」變遷。



This research spatially precisely re-presents the locations of economic activities of Tainan City in 1934 by applying geographic information systems (GIS). Base on the empirical data mentioned above, the subsistence productions of a modernized colonial city are physically visualized as a map of industries and intellectually recognized as the nature of the socioeconomic dimension of settlement. First, by spatial analysis, the heatmap of economic activities is visualized and showing that the traditional socioeconomic-spatial structure had not yet been replaced by the modern urban plans. However, some changes are obviously observable when the distributions and concentrations of several important industries are analyzed. Second, the facts of co-existence of various traditional and modern subsistence productions of three planned streets are narrated. In 1933, a Japanese merchant opened a mall on the cross of Suehiro-cho Street and Seimon-cho Street where the former was a new axis of the city in the urban plan. Meanwhile, a Taiwanese merchant built a street-house-cum-shop on the cross of Hon-machi Street and Seimon-cho Sreet where the former was the traditional main street of Tainan City in Qing Dynasty. Secondly, Nonetheless, finally, in the traditional allies, the nature of settlement about livelihood-earning is recognized. The subsistence productions in the streets and allies are narrated as how ordinary people reacted to the macro transformations, interpreted as the reality about how people survived within settlements and the societal continuity.


起訖頁 093-118
關鍵詞 聚落研究維生活動地理資訊系統日治時期Settlement StudySubsistence ProductionGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Japanese Colonial Period
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201809 (105期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國與印度傳統建築朝向原則之比較研究




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