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A Study of the Effect of English Learning Background and Motivation on Students' English Language Learning Achievement
作者 郭筱晴張岳豐

語言學習深受動機影響。許多學者研究發現,學習動機和語言學習成就呈現相關性(Binalet & Guerra, 2014; Khodadady & Khajavy, 2013; Park, 2004)。Dornyei (1998)也認為高學習動機可以彌補學習環境不足所造成對語言表現的影響; Gardner and Lambert (1972)更將學習動機區分為整合型與工具型動機。然而Warden and Lin (2000)提出,在台灣的外語學習環境下,學生擁有特殊的必要性動機,而非限於整合型或工具型。在複雜且不均等的社會下,學習者會認為有必要致力於學習,就會有收穫。Warden and Lin並指出,「在亞洲,由於英語已成為必要的學習語言,學生修習英語的主要原因不外乎是根據規定需求(p.539)」。本研究旨在探討目前國中生的英語學習態度和動機,以及學習背景是否會影響其學習成就。研究者採用量化方法比較分析,結果顯示:內在動機而非外在動機才是影響國中學生英語成就的主要關鍵。另外,學習者的年齡以及是否在補習班學習都會影響學習成果。



Language learning is strongly influenced by motivation and researchers have found correlations between motivation and second/foreign language achievement (Binalet & Guerra, 2014; Khodadady & Khajavy, 2013; Park, 2004). According to Dornyei (1998), high motivation can compensate for the discrepancies in language performance caused by learning conditions. Gardner and Lambert (1972) generalized that motivation could be labeled integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. However, according to Warden and Lin (2000), students in Taiwan have so-called "required motivation" instead of integrative or instrumental motivation. In a complex and unequal society, learners may gain rewards through the investment of intense effort. As Warden and Lin further explained, "English is the language most often required in Asia, which results in many students studying English simply because it is mandatory" (p.539). In this study, researchers intended to discover what attitudes junior high school students hold toward English and whether their English learning backgrounds affect their learning achievement. A quantitative survey methodology was utilized to probe these issues. The results indicated that intrinsic motivation contributed more to achievement in English learning. Learning at a young age and learning at private cramming schools also enhanced their learning achievement.

起訖頁 173-196
關鍵詞 學習動機內在動機外在動機語言表現語言學習成就Learning motivationintrinsic motivationextrinsic motivationlanguage performancelanguage learning achievement
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊  
期數 201806 (19期)
出版單位 文藻外語大學
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟生態環境管理及稽核制度(EMAS)在德國高等教育機構之應用及其對我國的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 為提高日語學習者內在動機的實踐研究




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