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Implicated Premise and Conclusion: The Marker Yòu in Chinese Negative Clauses
作者 熊慧如 (Hsiung Hui-Ju)
This paper explores the conversational implicature produced by the Chinese emphatic marker yòu又 in an independent negative clause. I propose that an implicated three-step argument is involved in the usage of the emphatic marker yòu. The function of yòu is to trigger the presupposition that there exists a premise antecedent to the premise which is stated by the negative clause with yòu in the three-step argument. Through the conversational maxim of relevance, the content of the antecedent premise can be implicated by the speaker and inferred by the hearer. With the antecedent premise inferred, the three-step argument helps the hearer reach the implicated conclusion, which is the major implicature of the speaker by uttering the negative clause with yòu. This paper provides an account for the following three important aspects in the above phenomena: (1) the yòu clause has to be negative; (2) the emphatic function of the marker yòu is related to its function as a presupposition trigger; (3) a negative clause with the marker yòu usually carries a tone of disapproval and even reproach.
起訖頁 001-022
關鍵詞 漢語強調標記「又」會話含蘊含蘊前提含蘊結論關連準則語用功能Chinese marker yòuimplicatureimplicated premiseimplicated conclusionpragmaticsmaxim of relevance
刊名 人文研究學報  
期數 201804 (52:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-下一篇 趙樹理小說〈小二黑結婚〉評價之再審視




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