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臺灣社區通網站平臺使用頻率影響因素之研究:科技接受模型的觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Factors Associated with the Using Frequency of Taiwanese Community Platform: Perspective on TAM
作者 王光旭 (Guang-Xu Wang)許惠鈞 (Hui-Chun Hsu)
本研究最主要的目的與問題為瞭解文化部臺灣社區通網站平臺使用頻率的影響因素,為了達到此一目的,本研究以科技接受模型為分析架構,並以臺南市轄下677 個社區發展協會為調查範圍,將其區分有、無使用臺灣社區通網站的兩個子群體,以社區發展協會的負責人或幹部為調查對象,分別透過郵寄問卷進行普查,回收有效問卷155 份,並輔以訪談資料進行補充。分析結果發現:知覺易用性是影響社區負責人實際使用臺灣社區通網站最重要的因素,個人的年齡與電腦設備的有無也會影響使用的頻率。在理論上,將透過社區通網站平臺此一個案檢視科技接受模型的適用性;在實務上,希望能對臺灣社區通網站平臺使用與否的影響因素提出解答,以供未來臺灣社區通網站平臺改版之參考依據,並針對如何提升使用意願提出具體的政策建議。
This research aims to explore the factors associated with the using frequency of Taiwanese Community Platform from the perspective of the technology acceptance model (TAM). Questionnaire general investigation (population is 677 in Tainan city and can be separated in two sub-groups) and semi-structure interviews are data collection methods and the successful respondent questionnaires are 155. The analytical results demonstrate that the perceived ease of use is the most significant factor associated with the using frequency of the platform, as well as the age of community users and the computer equipment in communities. Thus, the Ministry of Culture is suggested to make the community platform more friendly by decreasing the difficulties and complexities of the system. Attracting younger manpower’s assistance and computer equipment’s renew are also recommended. Finally, research limitations and further research suggestions are discussed as well.
起訖頁 001-038
關鍵詞 使用頻率知覺有用性知覺易用性科技接受模型臺灣社區通網站using frequencyperceived usefulnessperceived ease of usetechnology acceptance model (TAM)Taiwanese Community Platform
刊名 民主與治理  
期數 201708 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學政治學系
該期刊-下一篇 霍布斯論恐懼與政治秩序




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