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Toko: An Etymology of a Local Placename and Its Connections to the Maritime Asia
作者 簡宏逸
Placenames are products from the interaction of human and places, so the etymological study of placename can reveal the historical activities of the people on land. This study investigates the etymology of “Toko” to uncover its history and to reconstruct the historical relationships of this local placename in a greater context. This study finds Toko is a placename from a fire-proof warehouse, which had been documented since the fourteenth century. Sailors in the next century were aware of it and described similar constructions in Java with this name. By the late sixteenth century, Hokkien maritime merchants use this term to call European trade factories in the Southeast Asia as well as the Chinese ghetto in Nagasaki, Japan. This early modern expansion also brought this term to Taiwan and became many placenames in this newly established Hokkien community. However, “toko” underwent semantic change in the nineteenth century. In the Southeast Asia, its trade factory sense was borrowed by Malay and became a Chinese element in the Southeast Asian culture. In Taiwan and China, however, people innovated another name for the thing used to be called “toko” in the last century. The semantic changes break the surface relationship associated by this placename and require a critical investigation, such as this paper, to recover the historical underlying relation.
起訖頁 77-100
關鍵詞 土庫防火倉庫商業據點地名考證海商網絡TokoFire-proof storageTrade postPlacename etymologyMaritime trade network
刊名 台灣學誌  
期數 201210 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學臺灣語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣天主教會的成長與衰退:以瑪利諾會的兩個傳教區為例
該期刊-下一篇 生命及其可能性:讀《實踐哲學:青年讀史明》




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