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North and South: Reflections on a Spring Migration to Taiwan
作者 Richard Johnson (Richard Johnson)
In this paper I reflect on a six-week visit to Taiwan with a distinctively southern aspect and set of identifications. “North and South” becomes a metaphor for splits, always psychically loaded, in the practice of Cultural Studies. I describe a hierarchically ordered assembly of oppositions that can be summed up as critical theory versus local research, “universal” academic ambitions versus intellectual activity that serves a situated politics. These dichotomies – and a different North/South polarity – are familiar in my own experience in Britain, but were accentuated when I was obliged to take a southern perspective on cultural studies as itself a global cultural transaction. Two examples are explored in more detail: the circuit of abstraction(theory) and concretion(research and presentation) in the research process and the question of national identity in Taiwan. A case is made for the importance of democratic and egalitarian versions of the nation in opposing the global neo-liberal deformations and for a view of theory-and-research that is attentive to historical particularity and engages with contemporary political tasks.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 文化研究的分裂理論/研究政治/學界全球/地方臺灣國族認同新自由主義抽象具體化差異的後現代主義Splits in cultural studiesTheory/ResearchPolitics/AcademiaGlobal/LocalTaiwanese national identityNeo-liberalismAbstractionConcretionDifferent postmodernisms
刊名 台灣學誌  
期數 201010 (2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學臺灣語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 台灣日治時期平面廣告的女性圖像符號研究




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