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Let's Fall in Love...to Stay Healthy-Whether and How Qiong Yao's Romance Fits into Healthy Realism
作者 林宛瑄
As a film genre devised both to reflect social realities andto promote moral values, healthy realism was introduced into theTaiwanese cinema scene by the Central Motion Picture Corporation (CMPC) in 1963. Since then, an issue that remainsan academic conundrum for the scholars of this type of film iswhether and how screen adaptations of Qiong Yao’s novels by filmmakers working in the healthy realism genre fit into themodel. This paper seeks to enter the debate by revisiting thegeneric features of healthy realism and reassess the role playedby romantic love in this style of movie. The first part of thispaper revisits the definition of “healthy realism,” analyzing whythe genre remains within the scope of realism despite its intended as government propaganda, and explores the effects of romuseantic melodrama in achieving the realist aim of the model. The second part of the paper features analyses of the plots ofOyster Girl and Four Loves with the intention of discerning themotive force of the society of which healthy realism films sought to treat, an undertaking which leads to the discovery that romantic love is an essential element of healthy realism when itserves as the affective condition for bio-power and thus supportsthe modernization efforts described by the film model. The reliance on melodramatic devices and the significance of romantic love to the underlying social relations pave the way forthe entry of Qiong Yao’s romance into the healthy realism genre.
起訖頁 33-63
關鍵詞 健康寫實主義瓊瑤愛情小說情節劇浪漫愛情感條件生命權力蚵女婉君表妹Healthy realismQiong Yao's romanceMelodramaRomantic loveAffective conditionBio-powerOyster GirlFour Loves
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201312 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 回應鬼魂:當政治幽靈遇見倫理臉龐
該期刊-下一篇 後現代世代的另類英雄主義:J.K.羅琳的哈利波特系列




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